It’s that time of the month again, when we get to see the reveal of the upcoming card kit by SimonSaysStamp.

The card kit is packed with goods including two stamps sets, two ink cubes, stickers, papers, cardstock , glitter pen and so much more! One of their best kits and I know this is going to sell out really quickly! In a lovely color theme that brought spring into my craft room.

I did announce a couple of months ago that I will not continue with my 1 kit – 10 cards monthly feature. BUT your comments, emails and feedback made me change my mind! Thank you all so much for all the love I am receiving, you can’t even how much I appreciate it.

So here we go! All the 10 cards I created using the kit

card 1

card 2

card 3

card 4

card 5

card 6

card 7

card 8

card 9

card 10

I tried to make the most out of the kit and use mainly products included. All the cards are really easy and quick to replicate. You can enjoy the step by step video tutorial below or at my YouTube channel


Affiliate links used at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

Simon Says Stamp Card Kit of The…
[ SSS ]
Simon Says Clear Stamps CHOOSE JOY…
[ SSS ]
Simon Says Clear Stamps SHOWERS &…
[ SSS ]
Carta Bella SPRING MARKET 6 x 6 Paper…
[ SSS ]
Carta Bella SPRING MARKET 6 x 13…
[ SSS ]
Tonic AQUA SHIMMER PEN Nuvo 2 Pack 888N
[ SSS ]
Tonic AQUATIC MIST Nuvo Glitter Drops…
[ SSS ]
Tonic GLOSS WHITE Nuvo Crystal Drops…
[ SSS ]
[ SSS ]
[ SSS ]
Tonic SUMMER HOLIDAY Nuvo Aqua Flow…
[ SSS ]
Tonic SPRING MEADOW Nuvo Aqua Flow…
[ SSS ]
Tonic WINTER SKIES Nuvo Aqua Flow…
[ SSS ]
Tonic AUTUMN WOODLAND Nuvo Aqua Flow…
[ SSS ]
Tonic DELUXE ADHESIVE Nuvo Glue 200N
[ SSS ]
Simon Says Stamp TWISTED STITCH…
[ SSS ]
Altenew GLUE TAPE RUNNER 3 Pack ALT1548
[ SSS ]


Want to win this amazing card kit? Leave me a comment below and let me know which of the 10 cards I made was your favorite. I will pick a random winner and announce it on Friday the 23rd of February.

UPDATE: This giveaway is closed. The winner had been announced HERE


  1. The first is my favorite, hands down. It reminds me of a rustic country farm wall, with herbs that have been hung up to dry. So pretty, even though it’s so simple!

    I’m SO glad you’ve brought this feature back!!

  2. I am deliriously happy to see that you are doing the 10 cards 1 kit again!! Thanks so much because you are such an inspiration.
    I love ALL the cards, I think this kit is amazing but if I had to decide one, I would choose card number 5, that duclkling is far too cute.

    1. My favorite is Card #6! The Yellow Boots! I had a pair of Brown Boots as a child ?. It was first grade! I was a Tomboy! Always splashing water ?. Brown Boots ? were bought for me to hide the murky messes I would Splash everywhere.
      Your cards are always Beautiful!
      What would you show instead of the cards?
      Always wonderful!
      Thank you ?? so much!

  3. Hi Vicky, I love No 8 it’s clean and simple, but the others are just as nice, it’s so hard some times to choose, Thank again for doing the 10 cards one kit, I think you do such a great job on each card, I always look forward to this, and we all get great ideas from them TFS, Cheers Anna.

  4. Oh Vicky, so difficult to choose between all of these beautiful cards you made, but if I have to choose I would choose the one that says smiles and Holland bulbs. You are a real inspiration to us all 🙂

  5. Thank you for sharing vicky. I love the first card. But also have the little duck one as my favourite. Love the little details of your watercolour. As always inspirational video

  6. Hi,My favorite was the adorable little duck . Thanks for continuing the 10 cards 1 kit. Always a highlight in my month.

  7. Card #6 is so cute, it reminds me of home. It rains a lot where I live (although not too much this year). All the cards are lovely, I really like #8 too.

  8. I love all ten cards, but my special favorites were the watercolored duck and boot fronts. The ducky would definitely be my favorite out of all your cards. Thank you!

  9. My favorite one is last one. Fresh flowers. It looks so classic. My grandma will surely love it. I want to make it by my own for my grandma please make me win kit.

  10. I loved all the cards but my favorite is #7. Thank you for continuing to do the 10 cards one kit. I really enjoy and appreciate all you share.

  11. yippeeee happy to see another 10 cards video!!! I love how you use the pattern papers and stickers to make ten fast cards. I always spend hours on just one… But I still like the water colour cards most, just because they show your great talent.

  12. I am always amazed at your creative cards! I think my favorite is the Bloom where you are planted! I love your videos, don’t stop.

  13. They’re all gorgeous but if I had to choose it would be #8. I love the way you used the stickers. The card is simple yet elegant! And the Nuvo drops really add to the composition!
    Thank you for the opportunity to win this beautiful card kit!
    I am grateful you decided to do another 10 Cards video! Thanks!

  14. OMG!! I’m so happy you made another 1 kit 10 cards video! ?? Thank you so much for sharing!! I love card no. 1, because it is so simple, but so beautiful at the same time!!

  15. Hello Vicky !

    ALL the cards are beautiful because SSS once more gives a lovely kit. It’s too difficult to choose one because each one of them has it’s own personality and beauty. I will say I liked more the card No. 5 with the shining duck and it’s umbrella ! It was so clever to colour it with shimmer pen ! Thanks for all the sharing and this giveaway ! Good luck to all !

  16. Thank you again Vicky for doing the 10 cards 1 kit. You are an INSPIRATION & a BLESSING… I learned so much from you. I love all the 10 cards but if I have to choose just one I will go for card 9 cause it brings me back happy memories with my mum.

  17. Card number 5 is so cute and I have never thought of waatercolouring with a shimmer pen so thank you very much for that trip. I always learn from your videos and I’m really glad you decided to do the monthly cards again. Thank you .

  18. They’re ALL beautiful!! But if I had to pick just one, it would be #6 🙂 I LOVE the ☔️! So glad you aren’t going to stop the 10 cards in 1 kit!! I’m always so inspired by your work!!

  19. I find you so amazing! I can not wait until you post the next video. My twin girls (10J and their little sister (7) watch for your notification so we cuddle at bed time to watch you create such beautiful pieces. I then watch later and take it every word. We are all inspired, and feel your venders have found a treasure with you creating for them, because I want to go out and purchase ALL the supplies you demonstrate!
    I am choosing the little duckie as my favorite card.
    Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  20. I am addicted to your videos!!! As usual I love all your ten cards, but if I had to choose one
    that would be card number 5! Love you!! Καλημέρα!!!

  21. Hello,Vicky! Thank you for video and sharing with us yours ideas)The March cards kit is so so pretty )I feel that Spring coming) Each card unique,i love all of them ,but if i have to choose i pick up number 10.Just because there so many flowers)My favorite white roses and blueberries)) )) I wish you a nice Spring and a lots of great ideas)))xoxo

  22. Hello Vicky,
    I must say that card number one is My favorite. The woodgrain paper just showcases the little tags beautifully! I am so happy to see you have chosen to continue this series. You have taught me so much! Thanks for sharing your talent and inspiration. Have a Great Week!

  23. Hi Vicky!! Lovely kit and beautiful cards, as always!! You are so inspiring!!

    My favourite card is number 9! It is simple, clean, and a bit more masculine. Right away made me feel like going to work on my garden.. and i don’t have one!! 😉

    Thanks for sharing your art and have an amazing day!!

  24. All of them are lovely !!! but if i have to choose only one i would say #9 with the idea of giving some seeds with it … really nice tip !!!!! have a nice day!

  25. I love card number 9, it would be a great card for a man which i find hard to make. Love them all though, you always make amazing cards Vicky.

  26. Hi Vicky!!! All the card’s are lovely, but since we have to choose one My favorite card is #8, it’s a simple yet elegant card!!! Thank you sooo much for always sharing your knowledge with us. You’re an AWESOME, AMAZING, FABULOUS teacher, your work is exquisite!!! I get very excited every time I get a tutorial notification from you, because I know something MARVELOUS has arrived!!!?Once again THANK YOU!!!?

  27. Oh Vicky! This kit is adorable! And you’re so talented, do we really have to choose only one card? Then I guess mine is nr 5, the one with the little duck. It just remind me of the first wallpaper in my oldest son’s baby bedroom, some 20 years ago. It was ducks playing in the rain just like this!!! And I love your technique with the shimmer pen! Have a nice day, and since i’m posting on feb the 14th, happy valentine!!

  28. You create such inspirational pieces with such simplicity that it leaves me in awe of your creative skills. Today also I could feel my eyes smiling with pleasure while watching you work. Thank you for infecting me with your enthusiasm and excitement to create something beautiful. Since I am planning on doing some gardening, the card with the gardening tools is my favourite. It gives that push to get into my plans asap. Thank you.

  29. Besides crafting the garden is my otter passion so I am thriller to zee hour beautiful creations with that theme brut also love the cute ducklings but my favorite are the yellow boots!
    Thanks again Vicky!

    Hugo form freezing cold Holland XxIrene

  30. beautiful country style cards, stamps and papers Vicky…I LOVED the little duck card as it reminded me of my daughter when she was little & loved to play in the puddles 🙂

  31. Thanks Vicki for sharing and inspiring us. I would choose card number7…….love the paper, ribbon and bow and especially the sentiment on the tag. So pretty!! I realise it takes a lot longer than the length of the tutorial to make the cards and I really appreciate that you have chosen to continue doing this each month.

  32. Hello Vicky, thanks for your inspiration. I can not pick only one card, so I will limit myself to two cards with number 6 and 7. Have a wonderful day and i can not wait to see your next project.

  33. Really love all of the cards. My prefered one is number 5, delicious! Thanks for sharing. Kisses from Rome! <3

  34. Which card do I prefer ? Well, it’s easier to tell you which one is not my favourite : the one with the little duck, even if I like too… but the 9 other card are just what I love in life and how I’d like to decorate my house. Yes, your card feel like home to me. You are amazing!

  35. I love the freshness and colours of card number 10. It is quick and easy to make and all the „leftovers“ of the other cards can be used. Thanks for sharing and continuing the series!

  36. Hi Vicky! It’s really hard to chose only 1 card…I love all you do and this kit is like fresh spring air in this cold winter. But for its simplicity and elegance, number 8 would be one of my favourites!
    Thanks for sharing your art and for the possibility to participate in this wonderful giveaway! Greetings from Barcelona!

  37. Really it’s hard to choose from theses lovely cards. But I will choose no. 9 , it’s spring time we will plant love and smile for others.
    Thanks Vicky ?

  38. I loved the first card with the wooden background and tags, so simple yet so gorgeous! You inspired me to recreate a similar one!

  39. This card kit is sooo gorgeous! I’m totally in love with it! Thank you for sharing your cards with us they are very elegant and lovely! <3

  40. I really liked card 1,3, 4, 8, 9 and 10. They were all lovely, my very favorite was the card with the garden tool stickers. That patterned paper is gorgeous.

  41. For me it has to be the little duckling, we are having a deluge at the moment and it’s quite usual to find a corner of a field turning into a pop up pond, ducks always seem to find them, but not unfortunately with umbrellas.!!

  42. Thank you, thank you, thank you for bring the series back!!!! As aways, i can’t choose just one of the cards ❤❤

  43. I like the one with the boots. ….the shimmering pen look very fine!
    But All of the cards are very lovely!
    Greetings from Winnie in Denmark

  44. Vicky,
    It was a tough choice but my favorite is #8 – so simple but striking . Your cards are always so pretty. I just love all your videos, especially the 1 kit – 10 card videos. Thanks for sharing.

  45. As always you cards are beautiful!! I like them all of them, but my favorite is the number 6.. it is so cute! Amazing job!

  46. Hello, Vicky. I like all your cards but you got me at # 1. I thinks it’s simple and sophisticated at the same time.

  47. What a nice surprise to see you decided to create 10 cards after all! I particularly like cards no. 8 and 9. I look forward to watching the video later today when I have more time.

  48. I cannot choose a favorite!!! They are each & everyone unique & lovely!!! I was delighted to wake up on Valentine’s Day (2018) and discover this most welcome you tube video from you, Vicky!!! I hope you have a ❤️-filled day!!!

  49. I’m so very glad you decided to a 10-cards video for this kit! What lovely papers and sentiments to put together. I’m a gardener, and this entire group of cards is fabulous, but number 9 really speaks to my heart.
    Happy Valentines Day!

  50. Such a great job of using mostly paper and stickers! I too, love them all, but i think card one is my favorite. Always enjoy watching you create..

  51. Love card #6 with the rubber boot. Always look forward to your cards each month. I like that the cards are not complex to make.

  52. These cards are all lovely and if I have to choose I would taje the one with the tags. Good job and always explaned so clearly. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  53. Vicky, I’m so glad you’ve decided to keep this feature – one of my favorites! I love seeing how you use the supplies provided, and you make such lovely cards! My very favorite is the first one with the tags, although they are all gorgeous!

  54. All lovely and it is good to have patterned paper inspiration. Because gingham is my favourite (memories of school uniforms?) I would say number 10. Thank you for showing how less is more.

  55. I love all of the cards thus month, Vicky! My favorite though is #4! Thank you for your inspiring videos and this giveaway!

  56. You are so talented Vicky – it will be hard to chose just one as all of them are beautiful . The colors in those patterned papers the bases and the stickers are perfect and the stamps are adorable – love your creativity in making those nuvo rain drops. I love flowers (current obsession) so if I’m pushed I will have to go with cards 8 and 10 – but again all of them are beautiful. I’m glad you decided to continue doing these videos as they are so inspiring. Thanks for sharing your gift and hello from Australia xxx

  57. Thanks so much for continuing to do 10 cards 1 kit SSS I love these and really appreciate the time it must take to come up with the ideas and then put them together. I can’t choose between the duck and the welly boots but loved the tip for creating raindrops x Happy Valentines Day x

  58. My favorite, although hard to choose 1. Is the one with the duck. So cute and love the shimmer paint. Hope to win the give away

  59. Fabulous cards! Glad I have a chance to see you at work. My favorite is Card 8. I adore flowers, especially in coral and yellow.

  60. Thank you for making these videos. Its alot of hard work which is very much appreciated.
    The card kit is lovely. Cant wait for Spring!

  61. Vicky hi!!!
    My name is Kathy and i’am relativly new to card making. I have to say your Youtube videos have been a great inspiration for me so please don’t stop making them.
    I loved the new SSS kit since I adore floral design. As for choosing one out of the ten cards not easy but I’ll go with card nr4. Simple yes but beatiful and classy as well.
    Thank you for all your tips and advices. They’ve been very helpful.

  62. My favorite card is the duck with the umbrella, and I am so glad you are doing these SSS videos again, they are outstanding.

  63. This kit is a-ma-zing 😉 Love the patterns and the springy feel 🙂 I love all your cards this month but my favourite is the seventh. You manage to transform and use up all the supplies in such a creative way! Glad to see you back on 10 cards/ 1 kit 😉

  64. I love all the cards you crafted from this kit! Really beautiful. The ducky has to be my favorite. Thank you for the inspiration.

  65. Oh. All the cards are beautiful. If I must pick one, I would have to go with number 3 as I live the paper and the sticker

  66. Hello and Thank you for the refreshing art you bring to us! I loved the one with the rake because its charm was sweet and clever as always. Thankyou and how I look forward to your postings..
    Laurette Arellano

  67. Lovely kit and beautiful designs as always.
    My favorite is the first card, I just love the flower tags.

    Thank you for the inspiration and beauty you bring to our lives!

  68. I am a new follower on your blog and YouTube channel as well . I just love all the inspiration, thank you for taking the time.
    Crafty Hugs

  69. Oh my gosh, Vicky, thank you so much for listening to us about the 10 cards 1 kit! We know you need to do other things but the thought of you not doing them just left the biggest void. Thanks again!

  70. My favorite card was the garden tools sticking out of the window and I love your idea to give it with a pack of seeds. Your card videos are the absolute best!

  71. Yay! I am so glad you decided to do another card kit. It’s inspiring! All the cards were great but I think the very first one was my favorite. I love the saying “Bloom where you are planted.”

  72. I just orders this line of paper and can’t wait to try these cards and more! It so reminds me of spring, summer, and farmer’s markets! I love them all but my favorite is card 9!

  73. I just completed my order for the kit (and scalloped border die)! Love love love to get an email that you have a NEW video up on YouTube and watch your videos. You take the “drama” out of papercrafting and make me want to run –not– walk to my nascent craft room.

  74. I am so glad you have decided to do the card videos again! I really look forward to them, they are so inspirational! I have learned so much from you over the past few years, Thank you so much for sharing !

  75. I absolutely love your 1 kit 10 cards feature. My favorite card is the little bird with umbrella he is just adorable and all that shimmer, I just love it!

  76. Thank you so much for the card video! My absolute favorite is the duck with the rain drops. Such a great idea and so cute!

  77. All the cards were lovely but I especially liked the first card you made.
    Thanks so much for sharing and for the chance to win the giveaway.

  78. Thank you for continuing to do the 1 kit 10 cards. I love everything you do. Your work inspires and always amazes. I look forward to your journal pages too!! I loved all the cards and appreciate the opportunity to win. My favorite was #1 & 5. Much love. Renee

  79. Beautiful card! For me is the nicest one no.7. I would love to make my cards with this great kit. Thank you for your inspiring videos!

  80. Thank you so much for changing your mind and continuing this amazing series. I love your card videos. I have learned so much from watching you.

  81. Beautiful card kit, and great inspiration. Hard to pick a favorite. If I had to choose it would probably be the Smiles card. I love anything with gingham!

  82. Soooo glad you will continue to do your 10 cards. I look forward to your post each month. Love the harvest love card. Liked how you used ribbon and twine on the tag. Really sweet!

  83. Hi Vicky, it’s Kristina from YouTube. All your cards came out beautifully. This kit has great goodies in it. The marker sounds great…..better than wink of Stella. It was so hard to choose my favorite. I’d have to say it’s between #4 and #5. I love the watercolor. I don’t know what it is about the effect but I just love it. Thank you for sharing. I love your 1 kit 10 cards videos and am a little sad that you’ll be discontinuing this type of video. But, I appreciate all of your ideas and look forward to your new videos. Happy Valentine’s Day. Hugs-Kristina ?

  84. all the 10 cards were really beautiful .My personal favorites were card 1 8 9 and 10 .They were really simple but pretty at the same time

  85. So delighted you changed your mind and will continue with this feature., All the cards were truly gorgeous and hard to pick just one! Loved the tag card. Thanks for sharing how to use stickers on your cards. I have tons of stickers in my stash so I must try this.

  86. “VICKY, “ you are an amazing artist! I love your work and your videos! You do a great job explaining the process and you have a great eye to what looks great and works together!!! For this cancer to win, of course I love them all! But I think number 1 & 7 are my favorite!! I couldn’t just chose one!!!!! Thanks for sharing and inspiring so many people!!

  87. I love them all, but especially #6 the boots. I have a pair of ceramic boots with yellow polka dots that sits on my front step. Thanks for sharing!

  88. Are you kidding? Pick a favorite? All of them! But I think the ducky won out overall. I love your technique of watercoloring with the sparkle pen. I must give that a try! TFS

  89. Thank You Vicki! Your cards are so nice. I think I like card 10 the best. All your cards are great and I love watching you make them. You have given me so many great ideas.

  90. I love all the cards, my favourite is the cute duck with the umbrella. I love the look of watercolours and the shimmer.

  91. I love the one with the little duck. It is so sparkling.
    Love to see your videos and hope you stay on YouTube for a long time.
    Lovely greetings, Michelle

  92. I do Love card 7, I find really lovely that green tone plus the flower pattern and the ribbon texture. Simple but completely built and well finished.

    I love your work, please keep doing this 1 kit 10 cards series I find a lot of inspiration in them. Thank you so much.

    Leticia, from Canary Islands.

  93. Hi Vicky. Thank you for the video. As a lot of people have been saying, the duck in the rain card was my favorite. It’s just too cute. Happy Valentine’s day!

  94. All cards were superb….you are such a great artist
    Iam in love with your talent by watching your videos and iam continuing too.
    Your videos is so creative and inspirational…..

    And my fav is 5th card …..I love that

  95. Hi Vicki, thank you for sharing your talent with us. I so enjoy your videos. My favourite card from this kit is card #6, the little rain boots. Thank You again, and have a great day.

  96. These are all truly beautiful. However, I can’t decide between 2 that are equally my favs and they are the chick with the umbrella and the boot. I totally live them both. Beautifully done.

  97. Great ideas!!! Great cards, I love nr 7 card with the two ribbons, as you say it gives dimension to the card.

  98. I love your creativity. Card 7 is my favorite. Reminds me of my love of gardening. All the cards are beautiful . Fabulous kit.

  99. WOW! I’m sooooo glad you changed your mind and will continue with the card kits! You do an amazing job ? I would love to win this kit to see the quality of the materials for myself. Thanks!

  100. I love # 9 because I am an avid gardener but they are all so lovely! You are so talented!!! Thank you for the chance to win, and have a blessed day.

  101. My favourite is the shimmer card with the cute chicken and umbrella. Just love all that shimmer and would love to try the Nuvo pens some time.

  102. All your cards are always so beautiful, but if I had to pick one, I would pick the wood grain with the 6 tags. Just stunning!

  103. Vicky:

    You are so inspirational! Your designs are all beautiful! I started watching your videos about a year ago. I usually watch a You Tube of your creation and, even if I don’t have the things on hand that you use, I figure out ways to be creative with my stash.

    This kit is reminiscent of Kind Flowers, which I enjoyed immensely. Your work with it taught me that using stickers can add an elegant touch. I am eager to try this kit out as well.

    The Very Best,

  104. So glad to see that you brought the 1 kit 10 cards videos! Your inspiring designs are delightful and a real help to allow me to see different ways to use the kit. My favorite card was the one featuring the multiple flower gift tags – simple yet gorgeous! Thank you for all you do! =)

  105. This is one of the best kits I have seen Heidi put together. And I love all your cards but I really like #6 the best. Good job as always. Thanks Vicky

  106. My favorite card is card #1. However, I love them all. I love how used the tags on the wood grain background. With this card kit I love how you used more of the stickers than stamps. Great job! Beautiful work.

  107. I love all your cards.. so hard to pick. I think #9 is clever and a great way to use the stickers and I love the idea of including a package of seeds with the card!

  108. Hi Vicky, I love the “Smiles” card the most although they are all so nice! I watch all your videos to get inspiration and learn new techniques. Thanks for all your hard work!

  109. Hi Vicki
    I loved them all and I’m so happy u did another 10 cards video. My favorite ones have to be card 5 & 6. I really like the way you used ur sparkle pen to water color them. Great idea thank u.

  110. It wasn’t easy to choose a favorite card, but I pick Card #9 – It says spring gardening to me. Vicky – great job, as always!

  111. Love card 3 the best. Am so glad you decided to do this feature again. It is my favorite thing you do and I always look forward to seeing what you make with the kit.

  112. Hello, all of the cards are beautiful, lovely and sweet. My favourite one is the one with boots, I really like the white nuvo drops on them, very cute! I like sparkling pens a lot, too. Have a happy Valentines day!

  113. Hi Vicky, I think card number 6 is my favorite – they are all lovely but I think if i had to choose it’s 6. Many thanks for your lovely videos – I really appreciate all the hard work that you do to keep us happy!

  114. I love card number 1, it is so clean and organized..I like that! Now I wish i hadn’t stopped getting the monthly kits, that one is gorgeous! I hope I win!

  115. I love all the cards, but I think my favorite might be the one with the gardening tools, because like you mentioned you could include a pack of seeds…great idea. I would live to win the is awesome! Thank you Vicky.

  116. I really like two of them the best- the first one with the little flower tags, bloom…. and the gardening one- My Daughter-in-law would love it and her birthday is in March right before Easter- How appropriate!

  117. Card #7 is my favorite, I don’t know why it just is! I am glad you changed your mind about doing this, I really enjoy watching you create!

  118. I love all the cards I am so glad you decided to keep up with this series. I especially love the card with the watercolored rain boots. I love the colors you choose. FABULOUS!!!!!!

  119. OH my goodness, you are always so inspirational! I didn’t want this card kit so I didn’t order it and now you’ve made me want it! I love the way you used the stamps; both cute and pretty at the same time.

  120. I absolutely love all of your cards! If I must choose one I will go with #6. I love the polka dot rain boots and the lovely sentiment. You are one of my go to card creators to watch on YouTube. Always inspiring me. Thank you!

  121. I love all your cards and I am so happy you are continuing you 10 cards 1 kit series.
    I also like the use of the glitter pen to color your images. Love the shine

  122. Oh thank you so much for showing how to use stickers and make them look better! Popping them up and the clusters looks so much better. I love your handcoloured cards the most even with all the great sticker designs. That duckling is adorable! Thanks for continuing to spoil us!

  123. Thank you for the video, I love your style! I think number one was my favorite, just because it was an unexpected way to use the tags.

  124. I love all the cards, but the boots are probably my favorite. I am glad you are doing the ten cards again. I get the monthly kits and cannot wait for this one.

  125. I love card no 8. Thank you for continuing the 10 card series. I love to watch your creativity using the supplies!! Your designs are really beautiful.

  126. It’s so hard to pick just one. But, the little duck is super cute!!
    I am new to your blog and videos and I’m so glad I found you. You are amazing!!

  127. I love you 1 kit 10 cards videos, you always show what is possible. You are a great inspiration to all crafters. Thank you for sharing your work.

  128. It’s so difficult to choose a favorite because your cards are ALL always delightful! I must say that I do LOVE those boots! Just so sweet… So HAPPY you made 10 cards for us today! You are a brilliant artist and card maker!

  129. Wow! This is a really tough decision to make. They are all fabulous, but card number 7 really speaks to me. I love the colors and patterns on all of these cards.

  130. Love all your cards, but my daughter orite is your cute little duck. Love how you used the Nuvo shimmer pen to give the colors shinr. The rain drops are a nice touch and add texture as well.

  131. My favorites were the little duck card and card number 7. I can’t pick just one! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

  132. All are wonderful. I think the duck is my favorite closely followed by the boots then the tags. Hard to decide!

  133. I love seeing what you create with SSS Card Kits! Your cards are always beautifully made. My favorite, this time, is card #5, the water colored chick. Thank you for the inspiration that you give to me with every one of your videos 🙂

  134. I have enjoyed all of your videos and am glad that you will continue to inspire us with these great tutorials! All of the cards are beautiful and so easy to do but I’m partial to the ‘thank you’ duck and boots. Using a shimmer pen with ink is a fabulous idea!

  135. Thanks for deciding to do the 10 cards again! So beautiful! The first card is my favorite. I really enjoy your videos!

  136. It’s really hard to pick just one ! I love them all, but especially card 7.
    I just love your 10 cards 1 kit videos. You are so creative!

  137. As Always, they are all lovely, but my favourite is the duck with the umbrella.
    Thank you for continuing with your 1 kit 10 cards feature. I am always waiting for it.

  138. I just love this kit! The colours are beautiful. My favourite card is #5. The little duck is so cute and the colours remind me of Spring…

  139. Vicki, so glad you’ve kept this series going! My favorite was card #5, the duck done on watercolor and shimmer pen was so adorable as a ‘Thank You!’ card. TFS , and I hope you pick me in this Giveaway!?????

  140. Thank you for resuming this series! I’d just started subscribing to the kit when you stopped and I was so disappointed. All’s well now and cards 7 & 9 are my favorites. Not a gardener myself, but lots of my friends are and they’d love to receive these cards.

  141. I love the card kit. The kit reminds me of Mothers Day cards. My favorite would be the little duck dancing in the rain, but I do love all the cards you made. You give great inspiration

  142. Great looking cards and you make it hard to pick a favorite……
    I like clean and simple cards so I picked # 8
    Thank you for contuining the card kits.

  143. Oh it’s so hard to pick a favorite, as I love them all! But if I have to, I’d choose the one with the polka dot rainboots! So glad you are still doing your 10 card/1 kit video! I love watching and getting inspired!

  144. I like them all. I think my favorite would be #9 because I lied how you had the tools popping out of the circle. That was a new look for me. Thanks for the inspiration.

  145. The green – thanks for always being so delightful is my favorite – but I love all your creations and enjoy watching your videos

  146. Vicky, I am so glad you decided to continue with this 1 Kit 10 Cards post every month. They have been great inspirations to me personally. And from this post, Card 1 is my most favorite. Love how you created those plant tags and use the wood look background paper. Look like they are on the wooden wall. Beautiful and artistic. But I love all of 10 cards you created with Simon Says Stamp Marck Card Kit. Thank you so much for the inspirations today!

  147. You are so creative. Now I have my creative juices flowing. My favorite card is the one with the precious duck! I would love to win this package.

  148. HI Vicky. Happy Valentines Day! I follow your blog and YouTube channel and enjoy all your entries. This Simon Says card kit is a real winner. I love all your cards and find it difficult to choose only one. I especially like cards 6, 7 and 8 but to narrow it down I choose 6. You are an inspiration.

  149. I seriously cannot pick a favorite. I love all of them! I’m not big of the kits, but this one looks fabulous. The papers are beautiful, the stamps look like fun and I just love what you’ve done with each and every card! Congratulations, Vicky! In my opinion, you’ve out done yourself working with a card kit!!!!!! Thank you!

  150. Hooray! So happy you are doing this again. I’m sure it is a lot of work, so we really appreciate your talent and wonderful ideas, and the time you spend creating the cards and making the video. You are amazing.

  151. All your cards are gorgeous, but my favorites are the cards with the duck and rain boots. Such a cute card kit. Thanks for all the great inspiration.

  152. I loved card 5 the most. I’m so happy you changed your mind, just remember we’ll love you no matter what! Hugs from Kansas, USA

  153. I just love the little duck and the painting with the shimmer paint. So my favourite card is #5.
    Georgous kit! The colours from the patterend paper is beautiful.

  154. Hard to choose a favorite from so many lovely cards, but I think it’s a toss-up between 7 and 9. Thanks for sharing your creativity and inspiration!

  155. I am so glad your back to doing the 10 Card series. I’ve really missed it.
    I haven’t bought the kits the past few months because I just didn’t know what to do with them. You have given me inspiration for this one. Thanks so much. My favorite is the duck card. He is so cute.

  156. Vicky, as always you are an inspiration. My favorite cards are 5 & 6 the duck and boots because I love to watercolor. But the others are stunning as well.

  157. I can’t decide, woman! So, I was like the first one is my favorite, for sure. Then I saw the second one, third, fourth, fifth…yeah, I love them all. There you have it <3

  158. The cards colored with the glitter pen are my favorite, but really they are all gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing.

  159. Fantastic Kit! I love all your cards but the cute little duck card is my favourite if I had to pick! The shimmery image is adorable!

  160. They are all wonderful really love 5 & 6 but over al favourite is no 8 as it is so simple and elegant. Thank you Vicki for all your wonderful inspiation!

  161. I am so thankful you decided to do the 10 cards 1 kit again! I see others do this but you are the BEST! I just love your videos. Hard to choose one favorite from what you made from this kit but I think the “plain and simple” card with the black flowered paper and sticker is just elegant.Thank you, Vicki, for taking your time to inspire me! Hugs, Eileen

  162. Beautiful cards & great use of supplies in this kit. My favorite card is the stamped duckling walking with the umbrella. This type of image always makes me think “SPRING!”

  163. Hello! I thought this was an amazing kit and your cards are all so wonderful! I had trouble deciding which one I liked the best. I think my favorite is #8, choose joy, but the duck is absolutely adorable too. Thank you for your generosity.

  164. You have great vision when it comes to designing. The card with the scalloped flap caught my attention first. But I really like them all.

  165. Hello Vicky, You are very Great and your cards are very Great!! I love Them. Card nr 4 is zo lovely. Thanks You for this video Karin

  166. Yay! I’m so glad you decided to do the 10 in 1 again. I think I like the card with the gardening tools, or maybe the stamped images, oh don’t make me choose, I just can’t.

  167. Hi Vicky, I really love your work, it’s awesome!!
    I think that i can’t choose only one card, but probably i will say that 8th card it’s my favourite, it’s very beautiful and simple.

  168. Best kit ever. Love all the papers and stickers. They are so cute. My favourite among all the cards will be the first one with the tags. It looks pretty neat.

  169. Every card is so full of spring and life. I loved them all but I”m partial to #2 by a tiny bit. Thank you for your inspiration!

  170. Vickey,
    I like card number 2. Tis true you are so delightful and full of sunshine.
    Each one already has a family members name on it. A real treat for me as I would not be able to purchase a kit like ? this one. The video is great too.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  171. Hello! Love this month’s card kit! I am ready to start thinking of spring. My favorite was card number 1. It has a beautiful wood background and cute little tags.

  172. Hi Vicky. Happy valentine. I always enjoy your beautiful creation. Beautiful March card kit. Thank you so much for sharing your talent. ?❤️

  173. I love the card with the boots…because no matter what the weather, we should always have a smile on our face. That’s what this card did for me. Love them all.

  174. Love the first card and thanks for doing this series again- I always look forward to it even if I don’t have the kit!

  175. I did like the looks of this kit for sure. And especially now that I have seen what you made of it. I really liked card #9 with those little garden tools. Of course it is hard to pick a favorite.

  176. Love, love, love! I’m so happy you decided to do another 10 cards, 1 kit video – they are my absolute favourite! You showcased the kit so well with all of your beautiful cards! I have two favourites… the one with all the tags and the one with the adorable duck! I always enjoy your videos, Vicky, you are an inspiration! Thank you for the giveaway! I think this is my lucky time!

  177. Thank you for going back to 10 cards One Kit. You are such a creative talent.
    All the cards are beautiful but if I have to pick just one, I think I like the tag card the most.

  178. Tough choice but the duck in the rain is sweet. Love using Nuvo drops in that way. Great cards, as always!

  179. Card #8 is my fav…I would add a small photo of myself and the person I am sending the card to smiling and having fun together. Thank you so much for the tutorials, your teaching skills really shine through Vicky…hugz

  180. They are all lovely, I always enjoy watching these card videos and am so glad you are doing them! My favorite is number nine, I would struggle with using those stickers, but that’s a great way! Thanks!

  181. The cards are all so pretty! I am like wishing spring is here already lol. I have to say i love card 6. Love the scene! The kit is beautiful!

  182. Awesome kit! Card #5 is my favorite! Love that cute image and your beautiful coloring! So pretty with a bit of sparkle!

  183. Vicky I love the very first card. So simple but but so pretty too. I really enjoy your videos and techniques. You have such an amazing imagination.

  184. Love them all, but my favorite is No. 6. Love all the colours and makes me look forward to spring, especially out here in Northern Alberta with -29 celcius weather. Thanks for sharing.

  185. I adore the “choose joy” card. It’s very simple, but very lovely. Thank you for all the inspiration.

  186. As always they are all great cards but I do like the one with the tools best. Thanks for the ideas to use stickers.

  187. oh it’s so hard to choose!! I think card number one has to be my favorite though 🙂 I absolutely love your videos! please never stop doing 10 cards one kit videos!!!

  188. They were all amazing but card 4 was so beautiful and realistic. I just got into mixed media and card making and you arr such a pleasent and wonderful teacher. God Bless!

  189. This kit is gorgeous and I love how you show tips for using the stickers on cards! It’s hard to choose a favorite but I really love the look of the 1st card and how you took what would be seen as a busy patterned paper and used it in a simple but beautiful way!

  190. Woot!! So happy you are doing this 10 cards 1 kit again!! I look forward to it every time!! 🙂 You come up with wonderful ideas! It’s hard to pick ONE favorite, but I think I like #4, #5 and #8 as my faves! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!! ( I subscribe to the kits, but my mom would LOVE this one!!)

  191. Hard to pick a favorite, but if I must I would say the Fresh Flowers,mainly because I love old-fashioned (the flower container) and green stripes. All great cards.

  192. Ok you have totally inspired me, once again!! I love the rain boots!! Great job! Now I can’t wait to get into my craft room 🙂

  193. Thank you for showing us the cards, and asking about our favourite, I love them all, the first one with the tags grabbed my attention then any with the containers of flowers. Your work is beautiful and so inspiring .

  194. My favorite is card number 8. Anything with flowers draws a smile from me. I love your work and anticipate your videos.

  195. Card Seven is my favorite! It is so vibrant and the words so motivating: Plan smiles, grow laughter, harvest love Thank you for teaching us so much !

  196. I love all but #5 steal my heart, it reminds me of my kids jumping in the puddles. Thank you for continuing doing the cards.

  197. All of the cards you have made are very pretty and I love them, but I have to say my favourite is the one with the little duck on it.

    This is a beautivul card kit and I love all the stickers and the stamp sets.

  198. Thank you for sharing the technique of sparkling water colors. That little duck is just so cute! My favorite! I learn so much with every video!

  199. I love them all. I would choose the watercolor cards because it was helpful seeing how you watercolored them and they are awesome. Thanks so much!

  200. The inspiration I receive from watching your tutorials makes me smile all over. So many great ideas that are so doable. I Like the card that says Happiness Blooms from within. It is so very versatile. Thank you for sharing your talent.

  201. I love the little chick in the rain! So cute! And I’m so glad you will continue the 10 cards one kit series! It is my favorite!

  202. I do love cards that use tags, so that’s my number one favorite. I also love the rain card. Doesn’t it feel good to know spring is coming with this card kit. Thanks for continuing to share designs with us and for being generous with your giveaways.

  203. I really liked all the cards but my favorite is card #1, it looks like a botanical display that you would see in a magazine.. This is definitely on the top of my list to purchase, there is not one thing in this kit that I wouldn’t use, just love it. The little rain boots stamp is just awesome and the bunny too!

  204. I love card # 9….Happiness Blooms from Within. This perfectly expresses what I try to feel everyday. In fact, hanging above my desk is the motto: “Everything I want is an inside job”. I am only as happy as I choose to be. What a lovely set of cards!

  205. Such adorable kit and lovely cards. It’s really so hard to choose but I love card number 5 and I love how your colored it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  206. I love ALL the cards. And its so hard to pick one:(.
    But I think your fifth cards is adorable. I think the stamp and the card design complement each other sooo GOOD.
    LOVE IT!!!

  207. Hi Vicky, Although all the card are beautiful my favorite is the first card. I’m so happy you continue with the 1 kit 10 cards video. I enjoy them so much.

  208. Hi Vicky!
    Happy Valentines Day!
    They are all awesome but I think I like card 9 the best!..
    have an awesome day..

  209. You’ve made me a very happy crafter by saying you’ll continue the 1 kit – 10 cards on your YouTube channel! Thank you – I love your cards, and I love watching you make them. I tell people about you all the time 🙂

  210. Gorgeous cards (as always) with beautiful papers and stickers. Stunning kit. Favourite has to be the boots, just delightful. Thanks for sharing x

  211. So charming! I especially love the gardening one for my best friend who has a green thumb! I’m so glad to see you continue the 10 cards, because I look forward to it every month!

  212. Thank you for continuing the 10 cards! I enjoy seeing your special take on these kits! I love the easy card with the dark floral background! So pretty! Thanks for the chance to win the kit!

  213. My favourite was the very last card you made from this kit. It was simple and beautiful and easy to make. Who could ask for anything more? It was great to see card making that wasn’t valentines and you didn’t resort to leprechauns. Thank you. Great cards that will be fun to make and give to friends.

  214. Hi Vicky! My favourite from this round has to be the rain boots! SO sweet in yellow. I’m really enjoying your bounty shared, thanks for all you do!

  215. Hi Vicky,
    thank you so. much for a new video. My favourite is number 1. I love all of them though and since I’m quite new to cardmaking, I love that you show how to create quite simple cards that are totaly beautiful, but easy to make.

  216. Unfortunately, I can’t choose. They are all great!. the paper is so beautiful and you have such a talent to make these cards look awesome- I also drool while watching your art journal videos and I have created a file just for them. Please make art journal pages and videos more often. They are out of this world and the best out there.

  217. As always I am awe struck by your talent!! If I had to choose only one it would probably be #10. It is so charming and delicate! I would love to receive it, or any of these cards!! Thank you for allowing us the pleasure of your creativity!

  218. Vicky, please don’t ever stop making these cards. I was trying to decide if I needed this card kit and you convinced me that I do after seeing your beautiful cards. It’s hard to pick a favorite but I do love the polka dot boots with flowers! Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  219. Love them all, but my favorite is No. 1. Love all the colours and you. I am vers glad that you still want to make 10 cards video – i love to watch them?

  220. My favorite card is number 9. Thank you for continuing you 10 cards series. I was just beginning to do paper crafts , when I saw your video on the Tim Holtz mosaic kit. That video was so inspiring! I became hooked to paper crafting! I now make cards and I am totally enjoying it.
    Thank you!

  221. This is such a beautiful kit! All your cards are so pretty but I think my favorite is #6. I just love the boots stamp and you colored it so beautifully! Thank you for doing your 1 kit/10 cards video again. I look forward to this every month and I was really disappointed when you said you wouldn’t be doing them any more. I know it’s a lot of work doing these videos and I thank you very much for doing them for us.

  222. Thank you Vicky! I love your videos and look forward to each one!
    I love all the cards you made today, but I especially like #8, very simple and beautiful. I really like that this card set can be used for all different occasions. I think I will get it, after seeing how easy it is to create some very simple and beautiful cards. Thanks so so much!


  223. All the cards you make are so gorgeous, it’s hard to pick a favorite! I think the rain boots with flowers is the one I like best. SO glad you will continue the 10 cards 1 kit feature. It is one of the highlights of my month!! Thank you so much for all the work you put into making these videos for us!!!

  224. Virtually impossible to pick a favorite! But, I guess I would have to say the first one with the little tags of botanicals. I sure would like to win that kit especially since the stickers are completely unavailable any other way.
    Thank you for your amazing inspiration! I’m very glad that you agreed to continue the 10 cards from one kit series!

  225. My favorite was probably the easiest – the wooden wall background card. They are all pretty and I absolutely love your 10 card making videos – the best on-line!!!!!!!

  226. Oh my goodness! So hard to choose! I THINK maybe it’s #8?! They’re all fabulous! I think this is my favorite kit of all time…And I’m so happy to hear that you will continue making these videos! Thank you for sharing your talent with us and for the wonderful giveaway!

  227. It’s so hard for me to choose one of these beautiful cards. I guess I need to pick a favorite and I think probably the one that says “live life in full bloom”. Gorgeous and yet so simple to create. SO very glad you will continue to do the card kit feature. It gives me so much inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

  228. My favorite is card #6, the rubber boots are so cute. I enjoy your tutorials, you are very talented. Thanks for sharing your creations.

  229. I’m thrilled that you are again doing the 10 cards from SSS card club.
    My favourite card this month was #6 the “thank you” with the boot. That is just adorable 🙂

  230. Vicky – thank you for showing how to use the stickers, as this is always difficult for me. I LOVE watching your kit monthly kit cards – THANKS so much for continuing to to them!! My favorite – Choose Joy. 🙂

  231. Vicky, I can’t thank you enough for all you do for inspiration. Your techniques, and cards are wonderful. Thank again!!

  232. Great job on these gorgeous cards Vicky! Number 4 card is my favorite! This kit really inspires me to get creating again after a battle I’ve had these past 6 months and moving …again. Ugh. Time to kick in gear and jump into Spring! This kit is so pretty! A girl can dream??

    ~Vanessa W.

  233. Hey Vicky, i really like all your cards, but card number 3 is my favourite because of its simplicity and beauty. Greets Farida

  234. Oh my goodness how am I to pick one? I like the circle with the gardening tools peeking out, but you know I love them all!

  235. Hard to pick a favorite out of those GLORIOUS Spring cards….but I’m gonna go with the rain boot. I love your watercoloring and your choice of colors. Thanks so much for sharing.

  236. It’s a toss up for me. I love the simplicity of , but I also love 7. Love the bow on bow, on 7- great idea. Too many cute one’s to choose from!

  237. I love all the cards you made, Vicky! My favorite is the Bloom where you’re planted card. I’m glad I watched your video. Sometimes I have a hard time coming up with ideas on how to put things together. You gave me some great ideas! Also, thanks for the tip on how to un-stick a sticker. I will be using that tip for sure! Have a great day!!

  238. HaHa! I used a random number generator to pick a card number (it was 4) because I loved them all! Glad you decided to continue (or at least do one more) of the 10 cards from 1 kit videos. You rock!

  239. Vicky
    You always make card making look so fun and easy. I like that you always make the nicest cards ever. I really like car 1. You made it easy and simple but beautiful.

  240. All your cards are beautiful, but… no doubts, I LOVE card no 8! It’s perfect in its simplicity, just stunning. Greetings from Poland!

  241. Hi Vicky, I missed the news you didn’t want to keep on doing this video series. Happy you didn’t quit as I love so much watching you making many cards in a row (as Create8 series!). This card kit is so gorgeous. I’m in love with card 4, but actually you rocked them all!!! Kisses

  242. What a lovely kit! I could easily have chosen any one of your 10 cards, but am going to go with #7. I love the fresh, spring-like feeling of it. And I really need some spring!

  243. Wow! That set looks like so much fun! Just had snow today and can’t wait for spring! I like the card with the rakes because that’s what I’ll have to do first – rake – to get ready for spring. Except I could always get this set and get into feeling spring early! ☺

  244. I just love the rain boots card number 6 and it was very hard to pick they are all beautiful I love everything you do

  245. Yay! You’re bringing back the 1 kit – 10 Cards! I LOOOOVE these videos! Crazy love them?. Thank you, Vicky! About todays card kit, it’s haaard to choose just ONE but sinne thats the task I’ll say number 9. That white ’wooden’ backdrop paired with those well used and loved garden tools makes me wanna have a garden filled with flowers and lots of work to be done. Sending winter greetings from a Cole and icey Gothenburg, Sweden.

  246. Hi Vicky. I think that all of them are lovely, but I especially like cards 4 and 5. Thank you so much for your time in continuing this card kit feature. I appreciate all you do in sharing your card and art journal videos.

  247. Hi Vicky, I love all your cards from this kit. My 2 favorites are #2 and #9……Thanks for all your inspiration and a chance at winning this awesome kit!!!

  248. I really like them all but to choose one it would be the card with flowers in the lower left hand corner, white Nuveo drops and the sentiment “Choose Joy.”

  249. Hi viki

    You are my inspiration for design, I am a graphic designer and I love yours cards, I am following your channel in YouTube and wetting to your film so thank you❤️

    My favorite is no 5 with the little young chick so lovely ???❤️❤️❤️

    Best regards
    Yaarit cohen
    [email protected]


  251. Hello. Sorry for my bad english. I just find you on yotube and i just love your creations. It’s hard to only pick one of your beautyful cards but if i must, i pick number 7. I love the paper and the meaning of the words.
    Thank you for al your inspiration.

  252. I have to choose #5 Dancing Ducky. I would have never thought to use the glimmer pen as an”waterbrush” but it’s use took a very simple image and gave it a wow factor. Cheryl

  253. Hi Vicky, I always wait for your you tube videos. Your work is amazing! I am torn between two cards, but will have to go with #9 as it gave me an idea of using the sparkle pen with watercolor! Love that idea. Thanks so much for brightening my day.

  254. What a wonderful array of happy spring cards! My fave is card #1 with the sweet tags on the wood panel background. A great card for a man or woman!

  255. I love your cards – always so simple but fun! My favourite is the tenth card with the watering can. I love gingham paper. Thanks for resuming these videos, I always enjoy seeing your creative ways of using the kits.

  256. Thank you SO much for taking the time to do this. Always such a pleasure to watch. All the cards are so beautiful and creative. I love the little duck with the shimmer pen, and the way you made the raindrops. Thanks again.

  257. Oh Vicky! These cards were amazing!!! Thank you for the video. I think my favorite has to be #9 with the tools. What a clean, multi-purpose card.

  258. Love cards 5 & – I like the technique of doing watercolor with the glitter pen. And I enjoyed seeing how you utilized the stickers; I’m never sure how to use those!

  259. Hi Vicky, I’m pretty new to your site here and have so enjoyed watching your videos and trying your techniques. I’m hooked! These cards are all spectacular! But if I have to choose, I think it’s a toss up between card 5 and card 7 …. I pick 5. He’s so cute!! Thanks

  260. All your cards are beautiful! The duck is really cute but my favourite is number 9 for its simplicity. Your videos are a joy to watch!

  261. Hello. I look forward to your monthly Simon Says Stamp 10 cards from their kit videos. It gives such insight to the possibilities of each kit. Without this,I would probably nicer buy their kits. After watching however, who could resist:)

  262. Your cards are fabulous. Thanks for your always wonderful inspiration. Really hard to choose a favorite but if I have to – #3 closely followed by #6. Thanks for a chance to win.

  263. Well thank you very much for continuing the ten cards series. I love it and it was so lovely to see it in my reader. The paper in this months kit is just beautiful. I love all your cards but specifically I love card four and nine and ten… sorry that is as much of a decision as I can make. Keep up the inspiring work.

  264. All your cards are gorgeous Vicky, I love them all. If I have to pick a favorite it will be card 5 the little Duck is so adorable in the rain!
    Thanks for this great video.

  265. Wow Vicky, the number of comments just goes to show how popular these posts of yours are. I love how you coordinate the supplies you have. My favourite would have to be number 2 – very simple and elegant.

  266. Love these cards and the inspiration they give me! This is my first time buying a kit, so I greatly appreciate that you are continuing this series.

  267. Thank you for the 10 card video. I loved the duck. Thank you for the new technique with the shimmer pen. You always have so many great ideas in you videos

  268. of course I love them all too, however, I was instantly smitten with card #1, love the wood background look and the tags, so simple. Love your videos and what you do for all of us, thank you for your inspiration.

  269. I love watching your create cards. You once again created some amazing cards. How do you choose? I love wood grain so I guess it’s between No 9 and No 1. Since we have a garden, I’m going to go with No 9. as it would be the perfect card for my Mom. Thank you for the chance to win this incredible kit.

  270. Beautiful cards! Each one was an inspiration…number 8 because of the simple white on white with that splash of color was so lovely. I think 5 and 6 were my favorites though….I love the sparkle and shine. Thank you so much for sharing these cards with us!

  271. You are very talented! With that said, my favorite is the athanks card with the duck. I just love this one.

  272. Oh So very hard to pick a favorite. I love the white one with the flowers, it is so striking. Also my other fave is the rainboots. So sweet I am so glad you are continuing the 1 kit 10 cards. I look for it every month and it really gives me ideas. Thank you. I would love to win this kit as I was not able to buy it this month. It is so great!!

  273. My daughters and I love watching your videos. Thanks for sharing such wonderful designs and tips. My favorite card is the first one.

  274. The first card is my favorite, but all are lovely. You are so talented! The first card stands out to me because of the layout and design. Thanks for sharing.

  275. Hmmmmm…..picking a favorite card from this kit is hard. I think card #3 would have to be my favorite since I am obsessed with the cardstock.

  276. I like all of the cards you’ve made, Vicky. They turned out so pretty. If i have to choose i’ll pick Card no 5.

    Flower power! 🙂
    Great kit from Simon Says Stamp and Carta Bella.

  277. I love the watercolor cards. Vicki I am soooo GLAD you decided to do the SSS 10 cards. I always get great ideas from you. You r the best! You made my day when I saw you were going to do the SSS 10 cards. I want to thank you for posting,

  278. I am a new card maker and am learning so much by watching your amazing videos. Card #1 is my favorite for it’s beautiful simplicity and inspiring message.

  279. Greetings from South Africa. Vicky I am so glad you decided to continue with your 1 kit 10 cards as I always feel inspired by your creations.
    My favorite card has to be that cute little duck splashing in the rain.

  280. It’s hard to choose a favorite! #1? Or, #10. I love how you used the stickers. I’m never sure what to do with them. Love the 10 cards 1 kit You Tube!

  281. The duck and the boot were my favorites! It never occurred to me to use a shimmer pen to watercolor images!! What a wonderful technique!! Thanks, Vicky!

  282. You made it so hard to pick just one. They are all so pretty. I really do like #5 though. I am so glad that I subscribed to your YouTube channel as I really enjoy your videos. Keep up the great work !! ?❤

  283. I LOVE your ideas in card #5 – using the shimmer pen as your watercolour brush, and dragging out the Nuvo Glitter drop to make a raindrop shape. And I love the beautiful simplicity of card #8.
    I’m so glad you’re doing the “1 kit- 10 cards” videos again. They inspire me every time!

  284. It is really hard to choose which your cards is my favorite. But since you want me to choose just one, I will choose card number 7.

  285. I loved all the card and this kit was lovely and liked everything in it! Your cards are always done very well! Iam so ready for spring so I would say the little duck in the rain #5 it my choice but the boots #6 was a very close second. Thank you!

  286. They are all pretty, hard to pick a favorite. I guess I would have to say card #10. Thanks for sharing all your great ideals.

  287. I loved them all, but the little duck with the umbrella gave me such a big smile! I enjoy your work so much. Thank you for sharing.

  288. Gosh, it’s hard to choose. I think the patterned paper with pink flowers on black is my favourite, so I will pick that. 🙂 All these cards are lovely! Oh, I also love the string and bow-accents – as always. Thank you, Vicky!

  289. It’s so hard to pick one favorite!! Mine would have to be the “choose joy” card!!! It’s so pretty, simple and graceful looking! I love it!

  290. The rain boots are adorable, clearly my favorite!
    I love ur 10 cards one kit! Ur so amazing and I love ur accent!

    Take care friend!


  291. Wow, the ducky is soooo sweet, I’m new to ur channel! Ur super sweet! God bless and keep up the cute cards

  292. I love all of these cards but Card 10 just called out to me. I really like the fresh green and white with that gorgeous metal watering can of blossoms!

  293. I loved seeing what you made with this kit – such pretty colours. Because I love watercolour, I would say that my “two” favourites are the duck and rainboots that you watercoloured.

  294. I am so glad you are continuing to inspire us with your creativity! I absolutely love the first card and will attempt to make that very soon! In fact, you make everything look so beautiful, I will be card making today for sure ?

  295. Ooh what lovely springlike cards you created, Vicky! I really enjoyed watching your video!! My favorite card is the one with the gingham paper – it looks like a kitchen table with a napkin and a pretty flower arrangement on top, soo pretty!! Hugs from Switzerland, Tina

  296. I like the black and pink floral “live life in full bloom” card best, although it was hard to choose. Flowers bring me such joy; I love this kit! I want to make something to frame so it’s a bit more permanent.

  297. I enjoyed all of your cards, but #1 spoke to me b/c when I moved away from home, many states away, years ago I was very sad. For years my mother sent me anything that she found that said “bloom where you are planted”. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  298. My favorite card is the first one because of the tags. The patterned paper this month is really nice. ^_^
    I am sooooo happy you decided to continue this series bcs from my point of view, you are the one who started it/created it a few years ago (and then other youtubers took over the ideea). So please do continue it, I love watching you create cards and miss your videos when not showing up! 🙂

  299. So glad that you are continuing this feature…your creativity is amazing! My favorite is card number 5. The raindrops complete the card!

  300. Difficult choice to make. I like cards 4, 5, 6 and 10 very much, but if I really have to make a choice I pick card 5, because it is the cutest!

  301. Hi Vicky, it’s really difficult to choose a favourite because they are all lovely… But number 5 was my favourite, the little chic in the rain is soo cute and I love the raindrops! ?

  302. I’m so relieved you decided to continue the ten cards 1 kit videos. I watch all of your videos because there is always some creative idea or technique that I’ve not seen elsewhere. I’m always inspired, so thank you for continuing the card kit one! My favorite this time is no. 8, but I love them all!

  303. Such a great video- I can’t wait to start making cards today! I am filled with inspiration!! All the cards are wonderfully unique! I appreciated your tip on using stickers. Loved the watercolor cards and Nuvo rain drops! So happy you will
    Continue this series! Can’t wait for the next video!

  304. All your cards are really pretty, but my favourite card is the one with the rain boots. I’m in love with this card!!!!

  305. Wow, I loved this video so much, the card kit is gorgeous and the cards you made were all delightful, my favourite is card 5, but I love them all,. X

  306. Spring is in the air !! I love the simplicity of the card #8. I love the clean and simple style but when I do cards I can’t help myself to stick embellishments or glitter things, it’s so hard to say stop this card is enough beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing.

  307. All of the cards are great as usual, but I really like how classy card 8 looks just by using stickers. This one gives me hope that I can make a similar card! Thanks for continuing this series.

  308. Great kit from SSS! I am so happy to see you are going to continue with the card kit videos. I think your first card was my favorite. Although I loved the way you used the kit pen to apply your water colors. Thank you for your videos. ❤️

  309. So hard to choose as they are all beautiful (as usual) but I think I will go with card 8. Love the “white space”.

  310. i love the design of cards 1 and 8 but if i had to pick a favourite it would be 2 because i would use that card ten times over if i had it, so simple yet beautiful and versatile.

  311. I loved all the cards, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be the first one with all those tiny tags… Thanks for the inspiration!

  312. Love the tag card. I am a sucker for tags and florals, so…WIN! Anyway, I was so pleased when you said you would continue with the 10 cards series. No one does it better!

  313. I love the 1 kit 10 cards. Please keep doing them. You have wonderful ideas. I love your cards and you give us inspiration. Great ideas with use of the stickers. I never know what to do with the stickers. Thank you

  314. I loved seeing how you used stickers. I’m never sure what to do with them. Your video gave me some great ideas for using some of the stickers in my stash. My favourite card is the duck. I loved how you created raindrops for detail.

  315. Hi Vicky,
    My favourite card is #5 with the little chicken – too cute!! I love theway you used the glitter pen with the water colour for an amazing result.TFS

  316. Thank you, Vicky, for continuing to inspire use with your 10-cards/1 Kit series. It just emphasizes what you can do with minimal supplies! This month was over the top with just card stock, paper, and stickers! And that glimmer pen! Wow! My favorite ? Well, I loved them all, of course, but I actually think “Choose Joy” was my most favorite.

  317. Such beautiful cards! I love number 5 and 6, but that’s only because you make us choose! They are all so beautiful!

  318. Thank you for the lovely inspiration and sharing your lovely cards. It is hard to choose one. LOL. I do love the little ducky one. Thank you very much for sharing!

  319. If I have to pick one, #8 would be my favorite. However, I really love them all and I love your blog and videos! Thanks so much for all you share and please don’t stop!!! XOXO

  320. Love card 8 for the simplicity and sentiment. All of them are lovely. You make it look so easy. I notice you have stitching on several of them, what are you using for that? I love the look but don’t know how to get it. Thanks!

  321. It’s always so hard to pick just one favorite. I quess the one that stands out the most to me is card one. I love the wood panel background and the tags look really great on it.

  322. I love the first card with a little tags but I also love card number five with the colorful check I love the way you made that scene !!!

  323. All of the cards are beautiful but since we HAVE to choose, I love the little ducky card (#5) and the “smiles” water can card (#4). Thank you for sharing – I always look forward to your beautiful inspirations.

  324. So very hard to choose one favorite, but I am really inspired by the first card, The little tags make such elegant widespread focal points.

  325. I caught your video on YouTube last night. I am glad you decided to continue doing the 10 cards on the monthly card kits. You make some very pretty cards and keep me inspired. Thanks!!

  326. Hi Vicky. I love all the cards but most of all 5 and 6. You are so talented and you inspire me so much. Thank you!

  327. Hi Vicky!
    I love you 10 card posts on the SSS kits–you truly inspire me. My favorites are the black floral PP with sticker, I know simple but it’s so pretty. I also love the cute duck with the umbrella, adorable. I missed your 10 cards for the February kit, I’m just going to start to use that as I’ve been busy making Valentine’s with the January kit. Love your videos–thank you!

  328. Hello Vicky, I’m grateful you decided to do the 10 cards one kit video for this SSS Kit this month!!! My favorite is #10, it makes me feel like.I can inhale & smell fresh flowers & foliage on a gorgeous Spring morning & it put a huge smile on my face; I’m still smiling!!! I loved all the other cards as well, the sweet chickee is absolutely adorable!!! Thank you for sharing your time & talent with us, blessings!!!!

  329. Lovely cards. My favorite is #2. Thank you for bringing back this feature. Your 10 cards 1 kit is so inspiring.

  330. I always enjoy your videos. I really enjoyed the two cards you colored the with the Tonic marker and the watercolor markers.

  331. I absolutely love ALL your cards, but to pick one would be #4 the ‘Smile’ one. I used to work in a florist and it just brings me back to the sights and sounds!

  332. I’m so glad you decided to once again do this series. I love your card inspiration. My favorite cards this time are the two with the aqua shimmer pen. I loved the water color look with shimmer mixed in. So beautiful! Thanks for doing this series, and for your generous giveaway!

  333. All your cards are gorgeous! I think card 9 is my favourite, with card 1 and card 10 very close – it was really hard to choose!

  334. Hi Vicky! Thank you for keeping on, you make such lovely videos. 🙂
    My favorite card this time has to be Number 9.

  335. Just love your work . I am a mother of 3 and barely get the time , but your work inspires me . So please spreading the joy and creating. My favorite card is card #9.

  336. Just Beautiful all of your cards. Love both stamp sets in this March card kit. Found your blog and YouTube channel when I was researching card ideas for this March 2018 Card kit by SimonSaysStamp . I will continue to follow your posts.
    Thank you for continuing your 1 kit – 10 cards monthly feature your creative ideas are inspiring. All of your cards were outstanding but Iliked # 5 the duck playing in the rain, # 1 the flower tags, # 6 the boots with flowers and # 9 the way you used the stickers to complete this card. I get intimidated with stickers. I have a hard time creating cards with just stickers but watching you it was amazing . Again Thank you for sharing .

  337. They ‘re all so beautiful!! It’s so hard to choose!! I like, just a little bit more, the card No 6…
    Keep up the great work!! And we ‘re looking forward to a seminar in Athens…

  338. I love all of your cards so it’s hard to pick one. I think I would pick card 1 since I use that saying often in life. Thank you for inspiring me once again!

  339. Simon Says Stamp’s card kit this month is extra special, Thanks for sharing your lovely cards and helpful tips. My favorite card is #5. I especially like how you colored the cute image with watercolor and glimmer pen.

  340. Vicky, I love all of the cards that you made from this kit!! Since I have to pick only one card, it would be #4. I also love #9. Thank you for another fun giveaway!

  341. I love the watercolor look of the papers and the stickers. My favorite is #4, with the flowers in the pitcher on the shelf. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  342. Yay! I am glad you decided to do this again. Love watching your 1 kit 10 cards videos 🙂 it is so hard to choose just one since all your cards are so beautiful. But 4,5,and 6 are my favorites. Love the little ducky!

  343. Hi
    I love your YouTube videos and your art work. So inspirational and lots of tips and trix.
    I wish you a lovely spring <3

  344. A lot of great inspirations! I enjoyed your video! All your cards are just amazing, and I love especially the first one with the tag arrangement. Love very much all the sentiment you choose, too! Thanks so much for the chance.

  345. My favorite card was the very first one. So simple and easy. I always look forward to all of your posts and videos. I even started art journaling with you. Thanks for all your inspiration!

  346. Wow, such cute cards and you make it look so easy. I had a tough time between the polka-dot boots and the garden tools. I think the Tools wins as my choice. Thanks so much for sharing and giving. 6 and 9

  347. Just beautiful, I love 5, 7, 9 and all the rest of them – colorful and hope for spring!
    Thanks for all your inspiration!

  348. I’m having a hard time choosing! I definitely love #1, but also love #7. All of them are so sweet and I love that they are all EASY! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  349. You’re so kind to start this up again. I hope you are inspired by these projects still. I really love the cards you made. I particularly appreciate seeing how you use the stickers and patterned paper, because I often have trouble with that. The phrase sticker sneeze leaps to mind. So I really appreciate your guidance. And thanks for the opportunity to win!

  350. Yay I was able to get access to your blog today. You certainly made the most of this kit Vicky. Love all of your cards but my favourite is the duck one.
    Thank you for sharing ?

  351. To choose one favorite from the 10 cards you made is really difficult, but I will choose #9 because it can be used for either a man or a woman, and because it reminds me of American Gothic by Grant Wood, ha ha!
    Thank you, Vicky; I love watching you create.

  352. Oh my gosh that little ducky, thanks card is sooooo adorable!!! My fave for sure. Makes me think of the little duck I got for Easter from my brother that passed several years back. That duck was an unexpected surprise from him and this card made me smile and thank God for that memory.

  353. Vicky, You are so creative…how can I choose only one card as a favorite? But if I must, it would be the tag card with the seam binding. Such a clever way to tie the seam binding to the tag.

  354. Great kit!!So many stickers, and you used them in such cool ways!
    My favorite the last three: # 8, 9 & 10.
    But the white one is gorgeous ?

  355. Thanks for continuing the series! I think my favorite is the rubber boot with flowers — mostly because I love how you colored it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  356. All your cards are sooo beautiful and really easy to make. My favorites are card 1 and card 3. Thanks a lot for the chance to win this kit !!

  357. Thank you doing this again Vicky! I love to see all the inspiration you bring month after month! My favorite card is number 7, but I really love all of them! TFS

  358. I especially love #1 and #9 because my word of the year is “bloom.”

    I’m glad you’ll be doing more SSS kit videos. I pick up marvelous product tips in every one! That’s not to mention the most important tips: your design ideas. Thank you, Vicky.

  359. First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for making the 10 cards video! I was so sad when you said you were discontinuing this series. So happy to have it back!! 🙂
    Second, my favorite card was hard to pick!! But I finally decided on the one with the watering can of freshly picked flowers. The colors are just so pretty and the design just makes me feel like spring has arrived!

  360. So cute. I love the pattern paper you used on #2 but that duckling with the umbrella is adorable. Thank you for the inspiration.

  361. All of your card s this month are wonderful, as always. I especially like the Thank you card. The scalloped edge is so delicate and beautiful!

  362. Love all the cards, but my favorites would be the “Bloom” card and the cute one with the garden tools! I always get great ideas from all your videos!

  363. I was very happy when I saw your new video with 10 cards 1 kit, lovely surprise 🙂 All cards are amazing, but number 9 is my favorite. And number 10! And… Oh, I am so bad at picking just one favorite 😀

  364. Hi Vicky,

    I love the card with the gardening tools, but I really love them all, it’s hard to choose. Love your work!

  365. This stamp kit is beautiful. I love the papers and like you, I would not be able to decide which side to use. I think your Duck card shows a great way to use the glitter pen. All the cards are gorgeous. Great job!

  366. Hi favourite card is No. 1. This is a beautiful kit. I especially like the black paper with the flower pattern. Thank you for thr opportunity to win

  367. wow, look at all the comments you got Vicky, see you even mention not to do your 10 cards and people freak out, lol, everyone would be so sad, you can tell you are LOVED and that must be a great feeling!!!! Oh yeah, almost forgot, loved the 10 cards, they were awesome as always, you are AMAZING, we luv ya.

  368. Thanks for all the lovely card inspiration!! I think my favorite is the cute shimmery chick with the umbrella in the rain and puddle, but it was hard to choose just one. You really have a gift for creating such pretty and simple cards. I am delighted to see you back with another 10 cards post featuring the new SSS monthly kit!! It’s always such fun to see what you create!

  369. It’s so hard to pick a favorite because I like the mall. If I must pick I’ll choose number one with all the tags. But what I really want to say is thank you a million times over for bringing the 10 cards 1 kit back. I truly missed you doing this the last couple of kits. You are my favorite d and I follow your ideas

  370. The cards are lovely. So glad you are back with 10 cards 1 kit – I look forward to it every month. My favorite card is the duckling (followed by the boots.) It is so cute!

  371. Oh, how I’ve missed this feature! Thank you for bringing it back. I love your cards, all of them. From this lineup, Card 9 is my favorite because it is so completely perfect for my sister, an avid gardener and someone who grows her happiness from the inside! 🙂

  372. Wow, I love all of your cards but that cute little chick card, number 5, made me smile because of my two little girls who love to walk in the rain with their boots on!

  373. I love the cards you make. My favorite here is # 1. I love the little tags with the background you picked out for them. Such a simple and pretty card.

  374. I so love watching your create, whether it is with cardstock, patterned paper and stickers, or with paint, stencils & markers in your art journals…I’m always surprised by what you come up with (like the gardening tools coming out of a circle, for example!). I had a hard time deciding on my favorite but I think it has to be number 8. You surprised me with putting the small sentiment down by the cluster of flower & I absolutely love the clean and simple affect it gave. Thanks again for sharing with us Vicki!

  375. It is hard to choose a favorite, each time I look I think a different one. But I really like the little rain boots with flowers. I love the way you add your color.

  376. How to pick a favorite when they are all fabulous! I especially love #10. Something about the design with the gingham print really caught my eye. Thanks for the inspiration! You have me dreaming of spring!

  377. All of these cards would make someone like me as a receiver, jump with joy.I loved card number 5 the most. Any suggestions for the substitute of the Aqua shimmer pen? I would love to have that in my stash. Have a great day 🙂

  378. My choice changes each time I look at them all.. I’m so excited that you’ve changed your mind its hard to focus! I want to call my daughter ASAP to tell her! LOL! Right now its #10. Its nice & clean with just enough dimension to bring it close to elegant. Thanks for a chance to win! Good luck to everyone!

  379. Hi Vicky! My favorite card was the little chick playing in the rain. It brought me back to my childhood when I loved to play in the rain and make splashes in the puddles. Thanks for sharing.

  380. So glad you’re “back”. I always look forward to your 10 cards kit ideas. I’m quite partial to the cute little chick card.

  381. Hi Vicky,
    I love all your videos you are so inspirational , the card I love is the first one its so simple yet classy. Thank you God bless and keep doing what you do. Xx

  382. This kit is so gorgeous, and your cards are lovely as always. I can’t even pick a favourite, but I think 4 and 9 are just amazing! Thanks so much for the giveaway 🙂

  383. Everything you make is so wonderful and I could listen to you speak all day. If I had to pick just one card as my favorite it would be card 9. Closely followed by card 3. Thanks for your inspiration!

  384. My favorite card is #3. I really like the pink flowers on the navy background. But I also love the sparkling ducky with the pink umbrella. I never would have thought of using the glitter pen
    with the inks.
    Actually, they’re all beautiful.

  385. Vicky I love all your cards using this kit. You make it look so easy you are such an inspiration. I believe I like Number 8 the best, so clean an simple.

  386. Hi, and thank you for doing this feature, I am always so inspired by your creations.
    It is hard to pick, because I really like the theme of this month’s kit.
    But, for me, cards #4 and #8 slightly edge over the rest, which are all beautiful.
    Smiled, Darby

  387. Wow, it is hard to pick just one card from all these beautiful cards you made. So I would have to say #1 and #9 are my favorite ones. I love watching your card videos Vicki. I get so many ideas from your work. TFS!!!

  388. Loved all your cards, but if I really have to choose, it’s probably card #1. Thanks for the wonderful inspirations and generosity of regular prizes. ??

  389. I love them all but # 7 is my favourite. Plant Smiles grow laughter and harvest love. That is just just beautiful and inspiring to me i love it.

  390. I love all the cards you made, but the card with the sentiment Bloom where you are planted is especially lovely. this kit is really up my alley, I’m a gardener and a card maker!!

  391. So glad you are continuing this series. I like them all, but card #9 popped out to me. Very cute. I adore this kit.

  392. Such beautiful papers! You have given me lots of ideas for using bits of patterned paper I already have on hand, too!

  393. Hi Vicky,
    I love all of your videos, and I try to catch all of them. My fave is #1 with the little tags Bloom Where You Are Planted. All of the cards are adorable. I’ll be watching for more videos. Thank you for the 10 cards in 1 kit.

  394. I really like the little duck splashing in the puddle. I like the use of the Nuvo drops and how you make rain drops with them. Thank you for showing us the kit and your ideas!

  395. My favorite is card #1. It looks like a cute little store display window. I love them all, you make it so hard to chose!

  396. I really really like the one with the gardening tools, it looks really beautiful and simple. Also, the one with the black background and flowers patterned paper.

  397. Love all ur cards ? they are so simple for a beginner like me !! My absolute favorite are cards 5&6, they are so cute and welcome spring ?

  398. Vicky ,I just love your work ank the way you present your videos . You are always so inspiring and encouraging, thank you! Tha said # 3 is my favorite with #7 a close runner up,although each one is wonderful!

  399. Card #5 is my favorite. I just cancel my kit subscription and I am sad I am not getting this kit. I really hope I win. Good luck to everyone else. Thanks Vicky!

  400. You are so talented and create such wonderful cards and journals. It is hard to choose as each one is beautiful, however #7 is my choice. Thank you for creating and sharing your creations. I look forward to your posting.

  401. I just love what you did with the new release.
    It’s so hard to pick a favorite but #7 makes me happy ?
    But the duck ? is so stinkin cute ?

  402. Coloring the cute duckling with the Tonic Aqua Shimmer Pen rather than a water brush is ingenious! Definitely my favorite. The “Choose Joy” card is a close second. I really like the use of negative space. Timeless!

  403. Hi Vicky, thanks For continue those video. I absolutely like the 1kit 10card series. My preferite cards are 1, 2 and 9 they are so gorgeous that I cannot pick one preferite.

  404. I love all the cards!!! I can’t pick just one !!!
    Thanks for using stickers for the cards, it really helped me!!! ^-^

  405. I love this video and shared with a friend who is just beginning to make cards. These are all simple and easy to follow for the novice cardmaker. I really like the first card you made with the tags. Great for gardeners and flower lovers in general.

  406. Chowing one card is difficult. I’m voting for #7. Loved the sentiment; but liked the use of the string and ribbon to be as well as the overall look of the card. I’m inspired to revisit my ribbon stash. Thank you for continuing the Simon Says series! You are talented and inspiring. A wonderful teacher!

  407. WOW- hard to pick a favorite. Because I love gardening and have four sisters who also love gardening, I would love to send any of the garden theme cards to any of my sisters. I enjoy your teaching style and appreciate the simplicity of your designs. Thank you for sharing with all of us.

  408. Yay!!!!!!! So happy you are going to continue with the 10 cards 1 kit series. Thank you!!!!
    I adore the watering can with flowers in it card. I like the colors and background paper. Thanks for all your creativity!!!❤

  409. I love card #9 with the garden tools in a circle. Makes me think of all the fun our family had gardening. Your cards are all lovely. Thank you for staying with your SSS card kit. I love your creations.

  410. Love you’re cards and thank you for sharing your card process. So hard to choose which one for a favorite. The Smile using the watering can. Really, I love them all!

  411. There are several I really like, but my favorite is #1 with the tiny tags. I always enjoy your videos. You have a great way of looking at the materials with a unique creative eye.

  412. I simply can’t pick a favorite, because they are all wonderful! I love the way you are able to take any element and make it into something beautiful — I tend to “try too hard”, and you help to bring me back in line to see that simplicity is gorgeous! (I’ll pick #1, but 4 and 8 are on the top list too!). Thanks, Vicky!

  413. Vicky – Fabulous video! You are such a source of inspiration. I love to see how you take a kit and make such beautiful cards, they all are fabulous. I loved them all but the one with the garden tools just says “Spring”. I so glad that you decided to continue to do your series. I watch them several times, always seeing something new. Your video’s are so informative, your use of mediums and products. I love seeing your video’s on your art journal pages. I’m a super huge fan. Thank you for sharing your never ending talent with us all.

  414. I’m so happy that you back making 10 cards with 1 kit. I love them all but my favourite is Card #5 and #6, I couldn’t decide so I picked both!!

  415. Hi Vicki, I love the March kit. I have lots of gardening friends that it would be awesome for. My favorite is the one with the three tools in the round window. Love it. You do a great job. Thank you.

  416. I’m learning to embrace more white space in my card projects. Therefore, I’d have to say that I really love card #8. Even though the layout is very minimal, I love the colors and vibrancy of the flowers, but the white space makes it pop even more.It’s very eye catching. Thanks for continuing the 1 kit/10 cards series, I always look forward to your samples and inspiration.

  417. I honestly think these are the cuttest 10 cards you made during these card kit series. They are georgeos. I love that you used so many stickers and it turned out to be really great. I can say that card number 7 is most adorable, love that green color and tiny flowers from pattern paper. But once again, you really nailed this one!

  418. Greetings Vicky from Nova Scotia. What a happy set of cards to welcome spring. They are all beautiful but card #5 melts the winter cold in my heart. What speaks of spring more than baby ducks, chicks or lambs and of course raindrops. I so enjoy your videos and look forward to your new posts. Thank you so much for sharing.

  419. Hello Vicky,
    Thanks so much for the video and inspiration. Card 9 is my favorite but I really like them all.
    I really hope you continue with the 10 cards 1 kit videos. I always find inspiration. But I understand if you decide to no longer do them.
    Thank you!

  420. This card kit is awesome! So many different ways to use this Kit and learn on how to remove the stickiness from stickers. My favorite card was #5 love how you can use the shimmer pen with wet ink, something I will be trying very soon. But do love all the beautiful cards that you made from this kit, awesome. Thank you so much for sharing your cards and video.

  421. So glad you didn’t stop doing these types of video as they are so inspiring, I especially love card number 5 as it reminds me of one of my friends x

  422. Hello Vicky!!!
    I’m very happy that you have come back with the 10 cards with SSS kit!!!!!
    My favorite one is the first and the one of the duck!!!!
    Thank you for the chance to win the kit!!!

  423. Thank you for sharing. And PLEASE don’t stop making 10 cards from 1 kit. I like all of the cards but I think the idea behind the making of card # 2 is great. I loved how you used the left over paper, used the die cut and made a fantastic card.

  424. I love both cards with the tags. They are so cute. I love how you have so many ideas and they look better than the cards you can get at the store!

  425. I really loved seeing you do those 10 cards with the SSS card kit! This was a first for me! This paper is fabulous! I have so much paper that I never use and this video was very inspirational! That little chick has stolen my heart, so I will have to say card #5 was my favorite!

  426. Hi Vicki, I wait for this video every month! I don’t subscribe to the card kit, but I LOVE your simple and beautiful designs. You make us all feel like we can make beautiful cards as well! Thank you for your inspiration:) My favorites are #7 and #8, simple, clean and adorable. Thanks again

  427. Hi Vicky!
    Card number 3 is my favorite! I LOVE how you make a card out of stickers! I love all of your work glad I saw your vid in youtube. Now im a subscriber. Thanks for the inspiration !!

  428. My favorite one has to be card 7. I just love your ideas for making such sweet cards. I love flowers and gardening so I love this kit alot.

  429. Wow, these are all so gorgeous but I love #1 best of all -those cute flower tags in rows with wood background and and perfect sentiment.

  430. Fantastic cards and gorgeous card kit! Such creative and beautiful use of the kit elements. Selecting a favorite is not easy but I think the Choose Joy is at the top for it’s simple elegance.

  431. all ten cards are wonderful but as a new papercrafter I’m going to pick card #3 – I love the beautiful print of the paper and the card’s simplicity with just the sentiment circle am going to watch your video again to get inspired – thanks for sharing your ideas ??

  432. I love them all. I love the way you used the shimmer pen to color I will have to try that as I love to water color my cards and I have never seen any one use a shimmer pen to color before . So #5 and # 6 are my favorite.

  433. So hard to choose one!
    I tend to like more simple cards & Card 3
    the one with the black floral background is my favorite!
    Thanks for all the great examples!

  434. Card 8 I love the simplicity but especially the second layer with flowers offset off the 2nd layer. Very classy. Thank you for continuing the 10 cards with the kit. I’m so happy to hear that you are continuing it.


  436. Hi Vicky! Thank you for my inspiration! I liked card 7. I really liked all of them but that was my favorite. Thank you for all the great videos you make!

  437. Thx for all the wonderful ideas for this kit and all the others. My favorite is the boots ! , but I really liked of them!

  438. Ahhh….Vicky…you always make me want all the things! ?? All the cards are gorgeous. My favorite is the duck dancing in the rain. I just love all that shimmer too!

    1. I look forward to your 10 cards every month but card 6 is my favorite – I like the way you colored the book and I just liked this stamp with the dirt and flower and again liked the way you colored the entire card.

  439. i really like card no 5 it’s so cute ,, i also like how simple and yet so beautiful the design is an all the cards 🙂

  440. My favorites are numbers 1, 3, 7, and 9. I really enjoy the way you present your products. Not too fast or slow, and I like how you simplify things. For instance, the manner in which you post the items you use. No chatter and clutter, just neat and in order. Keep up the great work, and I’ll be sure to continue to watch.

  441. I was so happy to watch this video. I always look forward to seeing the cards you create. Card 1 is my favourite.

  442. I’m so glad your continuing with these videos. How can I choose a favorite card………number 5 is so cute but I love the simplicity of card number 1

  443. Hi Vicky. I love all of the cards but my favorite is the first one with all the tags that says bloom where you are planted. You do such a beautiful job of sharing your talent for cardmaking. Thank you so much.

  444. I love card #5 “Thanks You make the rainy days brighter” The shimmer really gives me the feeling of rain. You did an awesome job painting. It is so cheery.

  445. Hi Vicky! I hope I am not too late to comment… My favorite card is #5 because I liked how you made the rain drops, and I can’t wait to try this technique! I already have the kit, I just subscribed, but if I won I would send it to my friend who cannot afford the kits right now. I think it would be a nice surprise for her! Thanks for the opportunity and for inspiring me to create ?

  446. All of them are beautiful, my favorite was number 9 ,you used different techniques to achieve this card. Love your accent, pompoms cute? TFS

  447. Vicky these cards are adorable, I think my fave was the one with the wellington boots. Greetings from over the water on a beautiful spring day in Cyprus.

  448. I like card no 6 with the boots, simple but with great colors. I would love to win this kit and create cards, while My baby girl is sleeping ?
    Thank you for sharing your talent!

  449. Vicki, thank you for continuing with the SSS 1 kit 10 cards series. You inspire me to strive to be more artistic than I ever thought I could be.
    Best Regards, Roya

  450. Absolutely adore the first card. the tags are super cute and i think the plants go so well with the woodgrain paper. thank you for inspiring, love your amazing creations!

  451. Hello Vicky again you have amazed us with your cards all the cards were. Truly beautiful.but card 5 was my favorite the chick with the umbrella it reminds me of my granddaughter waiting for the bus .and that spring is right around the corner .thank you for sharing I’m looking foreword to more beautiful cards

  452. Oh, such pretty cards! Love the paper, love the sentiments, love the stamps and love your cards!!! They are all so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  453. As always, your cards are so beautiful. I loved the card with the boot. So colorful.
    Thanks for sharing your creativity.

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