Life Book 2017 Blog hop and giveaway

Hello everyone!
I have some wonderful & exciting news! I am going to be teaching on Life Book 2017 next year!


And take a look below to the rest of the amazing teachers! Such an honor to be part of this talented group of artists. This is going to be a fun and creative year where you will learn tons of techniques and get inspired.


And even MORE exciting news is that I can give away 1 space on this amazing year long art course!

Keep reading if you want to find out more about Life Book 2017 and if you want to find out how you can win a spot! 🙂


What is “Life book”?

First let me tell you a bit more about Life Book in case you haven’t heard about it yet!
“Life Book, a celebration and honouring of YOU” is a year-long mixed media art class organised by Tamara Laporte from Willowing Arts.
Tam is joined by 22 incredible art teachers who are all gearing up to share their mixed media techniques, tips and tricks with YOU!

Themed around self-development and healing, you’ll be creating several loose mixed media art journal pages per month which by the end of the year you will bind into a glorious journal (a Life Book)! You will have a wonderful keepsake that you can treasure for the rest of your life!

You can find out a lot more about this wildly popular course (it has been joined by over 12500+ people in the past!) by clicking HERE.

What will I be teaching?

I haven’t fully developed my class idea yet, but I’m excited to be sharing my style with you by using paints, paper piecing and a lot of shading! Much like you can see in this project:

Keep in mind that an online class is not in fast pace as my youtube how-to videos and I take my time to explain more of why and how I do things. And I also share tips and tricks!

When does registration open?

Registration opens on October 3rd 2016 and the class begins on January 1st 2017.
So if you want to start the year with a fabulous creative BANG and spend 2017 with a wonderful creative community of like-minded souls, learning more about art and how to be kinder and more
loving towards yourself, be sure to join once registration opens!

I will remind you the date by posting on my social media but make sure to bookmark THIS LINK.

Giveaway !!!

I can give away 1 space on Life Book 2017 to 1 lucky winner!

And if you follow the blog hop (see below for links and dates) you can up your chances of winning a space by entering all the other giveaways also!

How to enter the giveaway

THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED AND THE WINNER HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED. Commenting in this post is not allowed anymore.

1. leave a comment below letting us know why you would love to join Life Book 2017

2. subscribe to my blog by email  (on the right sidebar)

I will announce the winner on Friday 7th of October .
Here is the list of the other amazing teachers who will be teaching on Life Book – they too will be
giving away a spot on Life Book so go check them out and enter their giveaways! 🙂

 5th September 2016 Tamara Laporte
6th September 2016 Jodi Ohl  
7th September 2016 Susana Tavares ​
8th September 2016 France Papillon
9th September 2016 Shelley Klammer
10th September 2016 Amber Kuileimailani Bonnici
11th September 2016 Donna Mulholland
12th September 2016 Mandy van Goeije
13th September 2016 Jennifer Mercede
14th September 2016 Misty Mawn
15th September 2016 Gwenn Seemel
16th September 2016 Melissa Dinwiddie
17th September 2016 Vicky Papaioannou <–You are here
18th September 2016 Lindsay Weirich
19th September 2016 Julie Fei-Fan Balzer
20th September 2016 Effy Wild
21st September 2016 Wendy Brightbill
22nd September 2016 Jamie Dougherty<
23rd September 2016 Andrea Gomoll
24th September 2016 Whitney Freya
25th September 2016 Annie Hamman
26th September 2016 Connie Solera
27th September 2016 Leilani Joy

Have a great time following the blog hop! 🙂


  1. It would be lovely to win a place on lifebook 2017 I was lucky enough to be able to participate in 2015 and for a novice I learnt so much there is so much to learn in mixed media and the teacher line up this year looks fabulous

  2. I would so love to win a place. I first bought an art journal nearly a year ago in response to seeing your videos on YouTubr. It is still empty. I have however completed 3 art journal layouts in cheaper journals following prompts online. I believe that this course will help me to increase in confidence, especially regarding drawing faces and that I will finally feel free to crack open the Moleskine!

  3. I am at a turning point in my life having just reached a milestone birthday and having taken the plunge of a new job which leaves me with more free time for me :). I want to continue my voyage of self discovery and to reconnect with the artistic side which the daily slog of life has gradually smothered.

  4. I would love to be involved in this intriguing art clasd and to win a spot would be perfect – goodluck to all my fellow crafters!

  5. I would love to win.. I took a break from art and anything artsy for a couple years now trying to recover from a serious illness and nurse mys of back to health. I am back !!! And I want to document life and what it means to be a warrior , to survive , through art. I would love to learn new techniques and be inspired by so many amazing artists.

  6. I’m having a lot of fun and learning lots of great techniques in Life Book 2016. It’s a great course with great teachers and I love the idea of exploring me. I’m looking forward to another year of Life Book in 2017. I signed up for your newsletter and have just posted your blog hop to my social media accounts. Much Love & Hugs, Julie [email protected]

  7. Wow, what a great list of art teachers! No matter how many art videos I watch, there is always something new to learn, some new inspiration to take you to the next level. Hopefully, I would dearly love a place in the next Life Book 2017 to further entice me to keep on creating.

  8. Thank you for a chance to win a place in this class. . I am fairly new to mixed media and would love to have the encouragement of the amazing line up of tutors to step out of my comfort zone and experiment more.

  9. Im new in this area of mixed media and i’v been inspaired by you. It will be great yo learn new stuff.

  10. Vicky, so happy to see you are teaching at LifeBook this year!! I love your art!
    I truly would love to win a seat in the LifeBook course as the teacher lineup is so full and inspiring and would love to learn from this fab group of artists!

  11. Hi Vicky! Thank you for this opportunity to enter in this Life Book project…I would like to be able to embrace not only amazing and different techniques and learn from great artists, but also a different path to a new knowledge of myself…

  12. I am new to mixed media art journaling but trying to improve myself by attempting new techniques in each of my layout. It’s a blissful joy for me when I work on those pages. I believe that to pursue any art, you need dedication and consistency which is excatly why I would like to join this life book 2017. In addition to learning new techniques, I could actually understand all of these awesome art designers’ thought process and that would be cool! Fingers crossed 😉

  13. Hi Vicky, congratulations on being part of the list of artists teaching this course and thanks for the opportunity to win a spot. I am recently retired and now have lots of time to fill. I love mixed media but need ongoing inspiration and these classes would be perfect! Thanks

  14. I would love to win a spot on Lifebook 2017, I’ve participated in the course for the past 2 years and learned a lot, grown in ability and confidence and *met* some amazing people too! There’s always more to learn and more great people to meet so it would be great to take part again, finances are tricky so a free spot would be amazing! Thanks for the opportunity. x

  15. Morning Vicky from Nova Scotia Canada! I just discovered you and what a happy accident that was! Since then I’ve been looking for everything that you’ve done and been watching your videos. LOVE your style. I actually just posted a project on my own blog and gave you the credit for the inspiration. So …. to your current topic, I would be over the moon should I be so lucky to win this opportunity! Will continue tinge to follow with eagerness.

  16. I need to win this as I could not ask for a better teacher to teach me. I follow most of the participating artists and would consider this an honour.

  17. I have been following Vicky for two years and absolutely love her work! She has made me get out of my box and think differently about my journal.. I would love to participate with the other amazing Teacher’s and continue to learn.of these artists.

  18. I love your work Vicky and would love the opportunity to participate in your class and that of the other great artists. I’m somewhat new at mixed media, the availability of local classes especially to beginners and affordable is non existant so a venue such as this is wonderful.

  19. I would be thrilled to win a spot in LifeBook 2017. I am participating for the first time this year and I can’t imagine a day without it! Ok . . .Alakazam, Abracadabra, hocus pocus and every other magical sparkly word I know. Best to all. Smile All Day, Cindy
    Join Newsletter and Shared on FB and all of the other glittery places!!

  20. Hi Vicky!
    I would love a spot on your class because art & design is the only reason I like this world and you are such an inspiration to me ever since I run into your blog and YouTube channel. I love creating things and you are a great teacher!!!

  21. I turn 61 this year. I have always loved being creative but have been so busy with family & life in general. that i havent had a chance to do what I love.. Its now time to do something for me and this opportunity would be so uplifting at this time in my life….you have no idea!

  22. I would love to win a space I’m an artist and I live with a lot of pain which has stolen my MOJO and I want it back. I believe this class could help me greatly. Thank you so much and Blessings .

  23. Congrats on this huge honor, Vicky!! I would love to win a spot in this fabulous class! There are so many mixed media techniques out there and I would like to learn more about them. Thanks for the chance to win, Vicky.

  24. I would love to win a place in this fantastic course. I love all things mixed media and would love to have something to keep me motivated and learning.

  25. Hi Vicki, thanks for the giveaway to the amazing Life Book 2017! I love art, I find that it feeds a part of me that is often neglected, so I’m excited by the chance to feed this part of me for a whole year – wow!! Lx

  26. Thanks for introducing me to this class! It sounds really amazing. I loved your Craftsy class so it would be even better to get lessons from all of those amazing ladies. It would be great to win a spot so I can get a lot more experience with mixed media and the personal growth aspect sounds really interesting too. Thanks for the chance, Vicky!!

  27. Would love to be part of Lifebook 2017. Have been watching you on You Tube for quite some time and love your work. It would be great to have the opportunity to learn from you and all the other wonderful artists. Thanks!

  28. Thank you for the opportunity to win a spot in Lifebook 2017. I have shared the link and signed up for your newsletter. If I win I hope to spend more me time enjoying art and learning techniques from the many talented artists.

  29. I would love to win a spot in this class!!! I am a mature woman and still learning so much about life and about myself. Creating art is the best way stop and just be in a world that is constantly demanding your attention and time. It helps to quiet the mind and calm the soul. I love Vicky’s style and follow her on Youtube. Learning from her and the other artists in this course would be such a treat!

  30. I love mixed media and I’d love the chance to learn from some of the best! I sometimes spend all day looking at a blank art journal page, and never put anything on it! I’m a perfectionist and I need to learn to let go of that and just get creative.

  31. Would love to participate in this class as I am retired and am going back to my much younger self through my art. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a spot in this class. The instructor line-up looks amazing.

  32. This would be such a fantastic chance to focus on art! I moved to the Netherlands and for the passed months I saw that art is the perfect sanctuary when you are home-sick. I miss Romania which I still call my home and in my art I feel closest to it! Thank you for this chance to be a part of this amazing project!

  33. Life Book sound like it would be a great way relax and learn Mixed media techniques. There are so many ladies I follow already. Good luck to all, but I hope I win.

  34. I love your videos, Vicky. They are excellent. I would love to be part of Lifebook 2017 because is an amazing chance to learn from these talented teachers that will be part of the new Lifebook. Learn new things, share ideas and spend amazing time during the entire year with all beautiful souls that are part of Lifebook around the world. For me Lifebook is the best place to learn make art. Their students and teachers make gorgeous works. Signed for your newsletter. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a spot.

  35. Wow Vicki you are in lifebook this year, I can’t wait to learn from you. I have been involved with lifebook for 3 years and it has been a hugh part of my creative experience… Lifebook is amazing, and we get to meet all kinds of new teachers which is so cool…. I would love to win a spot. thank you for the opp .. I have subscribed to your blog 🙂

  36. Would LOVE to win a spot to continue to cultivate my art and experiences with so many wonderful instructors. I’ve heard SO many fabulous things about this Life Book series that I simply am dying to experience it myself! Thanks for the chance to win a spot. have been signed up to your newsletter as I am a big fan of your journal page art.

  37. That would be for me the best occasion to know more about a different way of making art. As I told you in different occasions, I love your projects and the way you give life to a quote.

  38. I’d love to win a spot in class,, as my life is evolving again. Although Mixed Media has not been something I’ve done in the past, I love your projects and watch them all. I think I could learn a lot to use in my cardmaking too! Thanks for the chance,

  39. Your work engages me, Vicky, as does the idea of this collaborative class. I’d be blessed to be able to pass along the ideas and inspirations of this Life Book year to the populations I serve: refugee women, church groups, incarcerated citizens, and at-risk youth. Thanks for the chance!

  40. I would love to win a spot in Life Book because I admire the artists who chooses to take time to inspire. I am also hoping to find a way to to create more effectively on my artistic journey. Thank you for this opportunity.

  41. Thank you for an opportunity to win a place in Lifebook 2017! I would enjoy learning from so many different fabulous instructors. “Bloom Where You Are Planted” is one of my favorite sayings 😉

  42. Hi! I would love to join LifeBook again in 2017! I have been doing this since 2013 and Tam always has a great lineup of teachers, all with their own unique takes on the topics. Thanks!

  43. I would love to take this course though I admit I am afraid as I don’t consider myself an artist. I am handicapped now after spending years devoted to a crazy stressful job and 6 now grown children. My life was blissful chaos. Now I am in a wheelchair and frustrated by the limitations. I make cards to feel productive and have an outlet to join the rest of the world again. When I send a card or create a gift from my hands, I feel connected again to those I don’t get to see. When people see me, they see the illness but when they see something beautiful I create for them, they see what is in my heart for them and it takes away the sting. Congratulations, Vicky, on this achievement and challenge – enjoy it!! Your art makes me happy. Thank you.

  44. I would love to win this!! I follow everything you do and have learned so much from you. Lynnette

  45. Oh my heavens, what an amazing opportunity for someone! I would love to win and learn techniques, expand my beginners love of this art form, and generally have fun. I love the idea of having a year long class as well. Good luck to everyone!

  46. Life Book has been a boost to my creativity , I would love for this to continue into the next year .

  47. Life Book 2017 would be a great opportunity to prepare a monthly project. Sometimes I feel that I don’t do enough to enjoy the artist within me. I hope I will win.

    I have followed you, Vicki, since the beginning, and enjoyed your evolution in such recognized artist, i love your descriptions and all the projects you do. I would love to learn more from you.
    I am familiar with some of the other artists too, looking forward..

  48. I have struggled this year with close family members health being poor and I have lost my mojo. Winning the Life Book 2017 would certainly boost me and bring me back to being creative. I love your work and nothing that I have done comes close to what seem to produce so effortlessly (well to my uneducated eyes, I know you work hard at it) xx

  49. Wow, how exciting!!! I’m so happy that you will be one of the mega talented artists participating on Life Book 2017. I would love to win a spot and have an entire year of inspiration as well as techniques taught to help me enjoy and make my own creations.

  50. How amazing to be a teacher on LB!! I just LOVE learning from all the different teachers, and the community of people are all so so lovely! Congrats to you, and thanks for the chance to win!

  51. I would love to do Life Book 2017 to psychologically grow! Thanks for providing this opportunity to learn about art!!!!

  52. I would love to win a place on lifebook 2017.
    I’m a big fan of your work and i’ve already done some of your tutorial.
    Thanks for this chance

  53. Life Book 2017 not only sounds exciting and inspiring, but filled with enthusiasm for art! What an opportunity!

  54. I have never done art journalist but would love to try it. This prize would be the ultimate way to start off I think and would be rather honoured of I were to win this. Thank you for the opportunity its and vicky I watch all your videos with avid interest.

  55. If be grateful for a spot in the class because being a full time teacher and mother to 2 beautiful girls doesn’t leave much time for me to be creative, but having a class would help me dedicate time for my creativity. Thank you for the opportunity.

  56. i love to be creative and the life book class offers the chance to learn more about the techniques.
    It also helps to have a fix project and to finish the project , more fun in a gropup than alone.

  57. Greetings Vicky:
    What an opportunity to learn from such a diverse talent. I have been following several of the artists over the past few years , not realizing that Life Book was available to me. Having found it at your blog, I decided to bravely enter this new world.
    Thank you for this creative adventure.
    Let the journey begin.

  58. I would love to win a spot in Life Book 2017. It is an amazing journey to not be missed. There are so many wonderful and inspiring artists who take their time to share their artistic ability with the rest of us to help us out. Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot!!!

  59. I would love to win a spot on LifeBook 2017nn. The teacher lineup is awesome!! I want to stretch my creative wings and learn new techniques that I can integrate into my own work. Very exciting!!! Thanks!!!

  60. A few years ago I underwent major change in my life. From being an active and creative (ammature) peron , I became a paraplegic overnight and somehow lost all my creativity. I’m hoping that a course like this can open up some creativity and maybe I can find myself again.

  61. I would love to win a spot! Would love to learn new things. You are all so inspiring and creative! Thanks for the opportunity.

  62. I’m just a beginner in art journaling and this would be a great opportunity to get out of my comfort zone in winning a spot. I have a new blog, beginner art journalist on blogger.

  63. Why? Oh I can’t even begin to answer that. The line up is amazing. Am opportunity to grow from such talent. I’ll be flat in my back recovering from spinal surgery. I love art. I’m fairly new to it and have literally dreamed of this. ?

  64. Looks totally awesome. I would love to win and learn from all of the amazing presenters. I love watching all of your U-tube videos!

  65. This LB 2017 blog hop is so much fun! Meeting all the teachers and their inspiring, creative artwork makes it impossible not to want to join LB 2017. I would love to win a seat and thank you for this opportunity.

  66. I’ve wanted to join Life Book for several years but could never bring myself to make the time (and financial) commitment. I love and follow several of the artists who will be teaching. I’m on your email list and follow your YouTube channel. Winning a spot would be wonderful!

  67. Vicks, I would so love the chance to learn from you and others in Lifebook 2017! I’ve shared the link on Facebook and was already getting your emails! Thank you for this opportunity!

  68. Thank you for the info of what Life Book is about. I hadn’t heard about it before. I would love to win a class spot because the format of the class intrigues me. I’m new to art journaling and was just thinking that sometimes working on loose paper might make certain techniques easier. Binding all the pages together at the end of the year would be fun & a neat skill to learn.

    Congrats on being chosen. I know you’ll add a lot to the team.

  69. I would love to win a place in Life book.
    Being a teacher I sometimes loose my self in my job and use most of my spare time preparing for work. I would love to be able to calm down and use my time for me and since I am not used to mixed media I would love to learn from experts.

  70. I would love to begin my art journal and what better way then to have all the wonderful Life book teachers show me how it’s done.

  71. Oh WOW! What a fun opportunity for you Vicky! I would ❤️ to win the chance to take this class and see all of these instructors in action. I relish any chance to learn new things, especially with art media. That’s the only time I like to get my hands dirty!

  72. I would love to win! It’ the chance to have classes with you. Unless you came to Brazil, what do you think?

  73. This course sounds like it will be fun. I can hardly wait for Jan. 1st. I will be really lucky to win. Thanks to all the teachers, they are really awesome.

  74. I’m recently retired and would love the chance to learn from all of you fantastic artists. I live in a tiny town in the Pacific Northwest and don’t have access to live classes so participating in Life Book would be perfect!

  75. First of all I must say you are one of my favorite artists of the group in hoping to learn new techniques and mixed media tricks! I have been an artist my entire life and know there is always more to learn and ways to grow. What an amazing opportunity to do it with such a talented culmination of teachers! As an art docent in elementary schools it is always fun to share what the new and current artists in the classroom. This would be a lovely opportunity for me and I appreciate the consideration!

  76. Sounds like a great class, and winning a spot would be such a treat.
    It’s nice to hear that you are going to be one of the teachers too, love your style.

  77. I would love to win a place on Life Book 2017.
    I love all your art journaling posts and have tried some of them. I would love to learn to make up my own journal pages as I am probably a bit frightened to do it without instructions!
    I love your style, Vicky, but I am aware that others have their own styles, too. It would be wonderful if I could have a style of my own.
    I like the idea of creating on loose pages and binding them at the end of the year, as I would not have to worry about spoiling my journals!

  78. I have been aimlessly dabbling in art journaling. I know I love to”play” with my stuff but often don’t know where to start. I am a play therapist and often bring art into my sessions. I believe that different ways to self expression may be the only way for some to heal. I want to learn and grow and pass it on to my clients to help them on their journey towards healing….and for these reasons I would love to win the Life Book:)

  79. This course sounds truly amazing. I love art Journaling, and it’s a special time just for me especially after a busy day. I unwind by falling in love with different paint colours, sprays, stickers, stencils or whatever catches my eye as I “play”. And then, I enjoy my masterpiece, and how it makes my heart and soul shine! Thanks for offering the giveaway.

  80. I would love to win a seat because as a kid I used to do a correspondence course in fine arts which I left mid-way due to busy school schedule. This looks like another opportunity to start once again and this time with better teachers.

  81. HI Vicky
    What an amazing gift it would be to win this prize. The teaching lineup shows one talented artist after another! Thank you for the opportunity.
    Kathy P

  82. Saul Bellow once said, “Art has something to do with the achievement of stillness in the midst of chaos.” This quote holds true in my personal life today. Art journaling is the expression and imagination of an individual(s). Art has produced in me a passion for expression, creativity, and love for the arts. It has helped me find inner peace, laughter, and an appreciation for the arts. I started art journaling in March 2016 and you were and still remain my mentor in this field. It would be an honor to continue that journey with you and the many talented artists in the Life Book 2017. Thank you!

  83. I’d love to win a spot! This year is my first doing Lifebook and I’m having a blast! I don’t think you can ever learn every technique! There are so many new ones coming out all the time! Love your spread above, and thanks for the chance to win a spot! 🙂

  84. My little daughters and I, learned to “play” with colours, papers, images and endless imagination by the beloved to us “paper fairy” Vicky and we would like to explore more and more this wonderful landscape. Winning or not this amazing gift, we’ll continue learning and creating!

  85. Hi Vicky! Signed up for your newsletter. I would LOVE to win a spot on LB17 because of the lineup of amazing and talented instructors, such as yourself, sharing your techniques and tips with us! Also, it would make the BEST Birthday present that I can enjoy all year long! ((fingers crossed!!)) Thank you so much for the chance! I look forward to your lesson.

  86. Hi Vicky!
    I would love to win a place for 2017.
    You’ve been an amazing inspiration for me so far and I hope to learn much more.
    Thank you for sharing your creativity with us!

  87. I would love to win a place in this Life Book 2017 course! I love art journaling and and card making and am constantly learning new mixed media techniques and fabulous things through you! I love to create art;it keeps me spiratually connected and through self expression I can give gifts of my heart and soul. Love, love, love it!

  88. Hi Vicki… first of all, congrats on being chosen as a teacher in Lifebook 2017! So happy for you. I would be so incredibly blessed to be doing this course, but alas, cant afford it. That’s the honest truth. Have been ill all year again, which has chewed up our finances… Sadly, thats also the truth. I would so love to have this to look forward to. But regardless of that, congrats again… all the participants of 2017’s Lifebook classes will be so blessed to have you as one of the amazing teachers. Congrast also to your winner x Much love from a fan in Australia x

  89. I woud love to win a spot on Lifebook 2017!!! Lifebook 2016 was my first year and I am loving it, I have learned so much from all this different teachers and want to learn even more. My journey into artjournaling started almost a year ago and your YouTube Chanel was the first I discovered I love how you create all this beautifull journal pages !!!

    Thank you for this chance !

    Love love

  90. I’ve been following (and commenting on) your blog for years–before it became a “talkie” –and have always loved your projects. I had to take early retirement this summer and would love to take a year-long class with inspiring teachers.

  91. love your work and already follow your blog! I an a member of LIFEBOOK2016 and i love it so much!! planing on taking 2017 for sure : ) and woul.d love to see you there!
    by the way, we are not so far – I am from ISRAEL : )

  92. I would love to Join Life Book 2017 as I have been hesitant about doing mixed media and journaling until I came across Vicky’s videos. They have been so inspiring that I’ve tried a couple pages. I can’t imagine the chance to have more teachers to learn even more! Wow!

  93. Art is my passion and since retiring I have tried all sorts of mixed media. I recently started art journaling,actually, because of you Vicky, so I would love the chance to win a place in theis LifeBook 2017 course. Thanks sp much for the opportunity!

  94. Congratulations on joining this group of teachers Vicki! It was you that got me started in art journaling because of your bright bold colours and the uplifting quotes you choose! Winning this course would be amazing as I play with art at home to relieve anxiety as part of my PTSD therapy. Hubby is retiring in the spring so the cost is prohibitive to me.
    Failing that, I will just follow you and keep letting you teach me here?

  95. I would absolutely love to win a spot on this class. I follow many of the artists that are part of this amazing journey and every year I want to take the Life Book class but being on a fixed income doesn’t allow for many extras. Vicky I love your style and have followed you for a long time but haven’t taken the drive into journals though I have a blank one sitting on my desk. Now off to the blog hop!

  96. Thanks for the opportunity for someone to win a spot, Vicki!
    For me, your videos are creative therapy. When I need a boost of inspiration or just a boost. (I admit to binge viewing and then breaking out my crafty bits)

    Life Book 2017 is a place to be inspired, learn new techniques and to be apart of a special creative community. I love making cards for family and friends, and art journaling with mixed media feeds my soul. To take a year long class with talented and inspiring teachers would be a dream come true.

  97. I would really love to win a space in Life Book 2017. I’ve been reluctant to to start a journal, I have done a few mixed media pages, but a commitment would ensure I continued. Thank you for the opportunity.

  98. I would love to win a space – I’ve been LB for the past 2 years and everything about it is so wonderful .. the teachers, the lessons, the community. Can’t wait for next year! Thanks for the chance to win!

  99. I’d like to join because I’m really into mixed media right now but I’m still so new! I could really use all the tips and tricks I’m sure will be part of this class!

  100. Art Journaling is my great passion. I would like to win the constest and dive into this sea of joy , beauty and colors with all these amazing instructors.

  101. Vicky, thank you for this opportunity. I love your workand miss your art journal tutorials. It will be amazing to have you as a teacher in this class. I can’t wait to be transformed by this wonderful experience! Art is so freeing! I have posted to facebook and signed up for the newsletter.

  102. I would love to win a place on Life Book 2017 as the list of teachers is amazing again this year. I took part in 2015 but due to a change in circumstances have not been able to take part since. I really loved 2015 Life Book and I really think it would help me to have something like this to disappear into when times get stressful. Good luck to everyone who enters ?

  103. I would love to win a spot. Life Book 2016 was amazing and I learned so much but I know I have more to learn and can’t wait. I have retired this year and am excited to do nothing but paint and journal. Winning would help since I am on a tight budget-thanks for the chance.

  104. I am so inspired by the things you create – especially your art journals. I would so much like to try this too.

  105. I wasn’t able to join the prior Life Books and would appreciate and love to win a spot with all you fabulous artists! I’m 58 (yikes) and have been doing artwork off and on for many years but never really found my niche. I’m new to Mixed Media and love it! I believe I have found an art form that fascinates me and I truly enjoy! I want to learn all I can and the exposure to all the various styles is awesome!

  106. Hi Vicky! I have never been a part of a program like this. Life Book 2017 sounds like a lot of fun and learning. I’m interested and have subscribed via the link you provided. I do follow your blog and just love the work you do like the 10 cards 1 kit and the Art Journal. So I figure Life Book 2017 is the next level – can’t wait to enjoy this exciting class. Thanks, Denise

  107. I would love to win a spot. I’ve always wanted to participate but haven’t been able to in the past. Exciting line up of teachers this time!

  108. Subscribed and really excited to see more of what you do! I discovered Tam’s work by pure luck online, and have been following her for a year already. Loved the idea of LifeBook from the first time I saw it, just didn’t feel ready. But in January 2016, I made a commitment to create an ATC A Day, and I think I’ve developed the commitment that would help me really take advantage of all that a full year of LifeBook has to offer!

  109. I love art journaling and it looks like you have some great ideas and techniques to share! Would love to win a spot to learn with you in LB2017!

  110. Looking forward to life book2017 as it will be my first. I would love to win a spot so I can learn from you and other fabulous artist.

  111. I would love to win a spot in Life Book 2017. I believe these classes will help me through a rough patch in life.

  112. Having joined Life Book this year I have learnt so much and not just about art. Life Book is a wonderful place, it is not an online art course it is a community where I have seen work from all over the world and had the most amazing supportive comments and advice. It has wonderful teachers who nurture us and build our confidence. I have loved every minute and just want it to keep going! So looking forward to seeing your work and learning so much more. Thank you!

  113. I would be thrilled to bits to win a spot on Life Book 2017. Having participated in Life Book for the past two years, I would love for the experience to continue into 2017. I love the diversity of the teachers and how varied their styles, techniques and approaches – so much to learn! – and I also love how supportive and encouraging the community is. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a spot!

  114. You inspire me to always try new ways to express my inner “art/heart”. It took me a full year of watching how to video’s of mixed medial journals before I dove in, thanks to you. Life Book 2017 sounds like just the soul searching adventure to help me find my deeper artistic self. Thank you for introducing me to the concept.

  115. I’m so excited that you will be teaching on LB 2017! I’ve been watching your youtube videos and just love your style. Hope I can win a spot for 2017. I’ve so far taken 2015 & 2016 and have absolutely loved the experience. I have learned many mixed media techniques and also love the self development work that Tam offers throughout the year. Working on our inner critic,learning to love myself and carving out me time for my art with out guilt has been freeing! (still working on it thought) Keeping my fingers crossed 😉

  116. I would love to win because I love the self imporvement aspect with the lessons and I am excited to learn from all the new-to-me teachers! Thanks for the opportunity!

  117. Oh! I would so love to win a spot on Lifebook 2017! I tried to sign up last year but the capital controls in Greece made it impossible…. I managed to sign up for the Ever After class though wich is still running and i love every minute of it!!! Vicky, you r the reason i got hooked in art journaling and art in general! I’ve been following you for the last 4 years and you never stop to inspire me. So lifebook and you as a teacher would be the most amazing thing!!!!

  118. Thanks for joining LifeBook 2017 and making a lesson for us! LifeBook is so great! All the different styles and techniques of the wonderful teachers! And of course the amazing community and also receiving new imspiration in your mailbox every week. Definitely helped me being creative regularly this year and surely don’t want to stop in december. LifeBook is the best! Welcome and thank you!
    Love, Wendy

  119. life book will give me the opportunity to experience working with mix media which s something I always wanted to try but I have not build the courage to do it. This class will give a nudge in the right directing to a new journey and adventure with so many creative people.
    Thanks for the opportunity to dream I will be the lucky winner,

  120. I would love to join Lifebook 2017 because I really want to be inspired to create new things with different techniques!

  121. I’ve taken lifebook twice and love it. it’s been a wonderful experience so far in both 2015 – 16!!! There is a whole new lineup of teachers of beautiful and interesting art! I’d love to win a spot to continue on this journey.

  122. Hey Vicki, I’m really new to this mixed media world and would love to get to know how to do it. I reckon this would be the perfect way for me to help my creative experience in the getting messy and learning part.. I love your video and your amazing creative talent. Thank you so much for sharing with us all.

  123. I have been collecting sprays and mixed media supplies in order to start….haven’t quite sunk my teeth into it yet. I am so inspired by your work, Vicky. I would love an opportunity to learn more! Thanks for all your beautiful work!

  124. Seria maravilloso poder seguirte en este nuevo libro vida 2017, tus creaciones me inspiran en mis proyectos. 7 de octubre, una fecha magica para mi, dejo que actue la magia………

  125. Hi Vicky, I’d like to be a part of this class as I am recently widowed and find great comfort and peace watching and doing art projects. This would be a wonderful opportunity for me to make something I could keep as a remembrance. I love all of your Mixed Media art.
    Colleen :o)

  126. hi Vicky!I’d love to be part of this amazing class because you just don’t get the variety of artist and styles in one place, ever! this is such a unique experience and there is so much support form everyone involved.

  127. Hi Vicky – I am so glad to know you are teaching at Life Book 2017. I love your art journaling and card making and am excited to see your Life Book projects. I would love to join Life Book 2017 as your winner of the spot. My fingers are crossed.

  128. This is a lifetime opportunity for a new crafter like me!!!! All those teachers!!! Wow!!! Thank you for this opportunity!!!

  129. I love your videos, Vicky. They are excellent. I would love to be part of Lifebook 2017 because is an amazing chance to learn from these talented teachers that will be part of the new Lifebook. Learn new things, share ideas and spend amazing time during the entire year with all beautiful souls that are part of Lifebook around the world. For me Lifebook is the best place to learn make art. Their students and teachers make gorgeous works. Signed for your newsletter. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a spot.

  130. Hi Vicky
    You inspired me to try mixed media. Got all the supplies but haven’t started yet. I think this will be a great starting point for me.

  131. What a wonderful opportunity to watch such talented artists at work. I can’t think of a better way to start 2017 than to be able to be a part of Life Book! I love creating and learning from others!!

  132. Hi Vicky,

    I want to thank you for sharing your talents online. Since I discovered your videos in the YouTube channel, I have had something to look forward to. I have battled depression for quite sometime and Art journaling has helped me deal with my condition. It brightens my day. Your style and ideas are wonderful. Thanks again!


  133. Hi!

    I am so glad to have found your blog! I’ve been following the blog hop every day and I must say that I am excited to meet so many amazing artists! I’ll be checking out your blog, instagram and such 🙂

  134. Oh my, Vicky, you are so in demand!!! I love it! I would love to win a spot in the new Life Book Class in 2017! Life Book will be a great way for me to “discover” myself and talents! With so many talented and creative artists, the sky’s the limit! Thanks so much!

  135. I would be so thrilled to earn a spot in Life Book 2017. Everything I’ve learned about art journaling, the importance of shading, and color, I’ve learned from you. This class would be a great way to further expand my creativity and my bravery when it comes to creating art journal pages and working with mixed media.

  136. Oh Vicki, this is just what I need, for the first time in my life (since 16) I am out of work and it is taking some getting used to not having something substantial to hang on to or a direction to go. This sounds like just the thing to give me a kick start for a new chapter in my life. Thank you so much for the chance and have been a subscriber for many years already for your fabulous work.

  137. Yay Vicky!!! I am so excited that you will be teaching on Life Book 2017. I’ve been on Life Book since 2013 and following your blog for about as long. I’d love to win a spot for 2017! Thanks.

  138. When I first started looking at your work on YouTube with your cards and art journals it really inspired me to try. I love your work. It is amazing. I would love a chance to win a spot.

  139. I would love to win a spot! You were one of the first youtubers I started watching for mixed media, always so inspired by your work! Would love to soak up all the knowledge I can from an amazing group of talented artists

  140. This class looks amazing and I would love to win a spot! Thanks so much for all you share and for the chance to win!!!

  141. I would like to win a spot in Life Book 2017, to be able to learn from so many teachers would be so exciting! Thanks for a chance!

  142. Life book will be my savior from this crazy world. I will gladly get lost in the creative world with wonderful teachers like yourself , Tamara and all the other talented teachers.

  143. I would love to be a part of LB 2017 – this is my first year with Life Book and it has been an amazing journey! I hope to continue next year and do it all again! 🙂

  144. You inspire me so much, I love all your work, I look at your video’s more than once, also a big fan of live book. I can’t wat, hopefully Im Lucky greetz Annemiek

  145. Love your style, and so enjoy your video tutorials. You are an inspiration! I have recently started journaling and have tried some of the techniques you use.

  146. I would love to be part of this class. I’ve been “collecting’ supplies for awhile, and just don’t know how to START!!!

  147. I love your work and would be thrilled to have the spot for Lifebook. I am so glad to see that you are a part of this project. Can’t wait to see your project!

  148. I would like to join Life Book 2017 because of the awesome artists who will be providing such inspiration. . . and it is such a boost to start fresh with the new year.

  149. I would love to join Life Book to continue learning creative techniques and learning to be a bit kinder to me!

  150. I would love to be able to join the Life Book course. I could use some help recharging myself and my creativity. Sometimes things in life weigh a bit heavy and I need to give myself some time for me and to be more kind to myself. This sounds like a great way to do it. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping to win a spot. Thanks for the opportunity!

  151. Sounds like a fabulous opportunity to expand on learning some different techniques and using mediums that might be new to me! It also sounds like fun to have a project at the end of the class to look through over and over in years to come!

  152. Hi Vicky! I would love to be apart of the Life Book experience! I have been watching, enjoying and learning from your videos for a couple of years now. It would be a fabulous experience to go on this journey with you and the other artists. Thanks so much for sharing what you love! Jennifer C.

  153. I absolutely love all your video’s – art journaling and your cards. I would love to try this class!

  154. Seguo te e altre artiste che danno parte di questo progetto su you tube, siete una grande ispirazione e vorrei apprendere al meglio le tecniche per creare progetti miei.

  155. Joining Life Book has been on my wishlist for a few years now. What an amazing creative opportunity to learn from so many fabulous teachers!

  156. I love crafting and I’d like to learn more techniques because I feel I’m stuck right now. I think your designs are very inspiring, and it would be an honor to learn from you and the other artists. Thank you for the opportunity!

  157. I would love to experience all the mixed media art that is planned of the 2017 Year Book, and with all the wonderful tutors that are sharing their skills. I have loved watching Vicky’s journal pages on YouTube through the year. Vicky and the other tutors are so willing to show and explain their ideas with others it would be a wonderfull fun year if I could join them in 2017

  158. WOW, such a great opportunity. I really, really would love to win a spot since I can’t afford it. I don’t work and earn a salary. I volunteer my time as an art teacher at a local Day Care Centre that looks after disabled young adults. Doing different workshops helps me to imporove myself in order to teach them. It’s a teriffic line-up of artists and one workshop I will be sad to miss out on. Here is to holding tumbs and sending good vibes to everyone!

  159. Wow, what a great project. I’m hoping this will give me the boost I need, both emotionally, and artistically!

  160. I started art journaling. because I love your work. Can’t wait to see what you do for life book.

  161. What a great announcement! I would love to be part of this – I have been wanting to start an art journal for so long now, and I would love the motivation and inspiration to finally do it.

  162. It would be such an inspiration to learn from these teachers. I would love to unlock the creativity that is within but find that right now I get so overwhelmed with all that is available in the area of supplies that I am not sure what to use for what effect. It would be wonderful to learn

  163. Hello Vicky, I love your style and love watching your videos!
    Winning a place with Life Book would be fantastic!

  164. Thanks so much for the chance to win a spot. I’ve done Life Book once before but real life got in the way of completing anything.

    We retired last year and moved to a house with a large space for my studio so I am motivated this time. 🙂

  165. It’s my birthday and it would be great to be a winner. When I found you on YouTube I was blown away by your style. I realized immediately that you were an accomplished artist. Thank you so much for what you do.

  166. I love the ease of your creative process & execution. I’d LOVE to win a spot for this wonderful 2017 project. The idea of having a record of a year’s worth of creative activity is so appealing.

  167. I would love to be a part of LB 2017! I want to grow more as an artist but also as a person. I live with chronic pain and I can honestly say that art has saved my life, and keeps on saving me. It’s almost like therapy. I love to make art, because it makes me feel so much better and I forget the pain for a while.
    There’s so many awesome teachers that I want to learn from, seems like such a wonderful class! <3

  168. I LOVE that Lifebook introduces me to artists I might not have found on my own. I simply love the sample piece you’ve shown and look forward to learning your style and getting your newsletter.

  169. Hi Vicky, I have never won anything and you have inspired me to do mixed media. I love art and am now in a new faze of life. I have been doing art for healing. I have had loss in my life and have had to reinvent myself twice in the last ten years. I hope to win a special spot.

  170. I’ve been enjoying LB for almost 2 years now and to win a spot for 2017 would make me the happiest artist alive. I always look forward to Mondays and wait for the email telling me the most recent lesson is up. It really is the highlight of my week. This year has brought a lot of financial hardship my way and I am not really able to afford to pay for LB next year, so winning a spot is extra important for me right now. I’d hate to sit through 2017 with no LB to look forward to, so thank you so much for this opportunity Vicki.

  171. Of course I’d love to win… I get inspiration from yours and the variety of artists’ work, the ‘thought process’, the free spirit, and absolutely all the technique and creativity. Color, Texture, feeling, and the artistry… its all GREAT!

  172. The Life Book classes would provide wonderful structure and inspiration to explore mixed media, and the lessons would encourage me to create continually throughout the year. The finished Life Book would be an artwork, a piece of my heart, that I would cherish and leave as a part of my history for my children.

  173. Vicki, what a fabulous opportunity to win a spot in Life Book 2017. I joined LB2016 but am so new to so many different techniques that I just wasn’t ready material wise. I have acquired quite a supply and am looking forward to this new LB as I’ll be ready. But to be able to have the caliber of artist like yourself teaching is priceless. Fingers and toes crossed.

  174. Love learning something new all the time and have learned a lot from watching you. This would be an awesome prize! Thanks for the opportunity to win this amazing prize!

  175. Such a great opportunity!! I would really love to be part of this creative community. Self-development and healing through creating art is really wonderful! Thanks, Vicky!!

  176. I would love to win this giveaway, thanks so much for a chance!! Life book has always been something I was interested in doing. I think having all different teacher that have different styles, techeques and abilities is an excellent way to host a course. I have no doubtw I would learn alot and have fun doing it, unfortunately for me, I just can manage the cost. I hope to be able to join life book at some point even if I don’t win. Good luck to everyone!!

  177. I’d be so thrilled to win, as I would really like to learn to express myself creatively and get over the fear of making bad art.

  178. I am a long time subscriber of your blog, Vicky!
    I would love this class. I really want to get into mixed media, and I have slowly amassed a lot of supplies to do it, but I lack the confidence to jump in myself. I think this class is just what I need to start to put all those ‘hoarded’ supplies to good use. And what a treasure these pages will be for my girls someday!

  179. I always wondered what Life Book was all about, thanks to your blog, I now know and am definitely going to sign up for it as I have just started to try my hand at Mixed Media and lack artistic knowledge and ideas, so to get all these lessons would be FANTASTIC! I find your videos so inspirational, thank you for generously sharing with us – and I look forward to learning from all the other teachers too, I’m too shy and have no confidence to go to classes, so this is the perfect way to learn for me – thank you!

  180. Hi Vicky….Vicki here!
    I have learned so much following you! Thank you for giving us such great videos…I would love to be a part of this upcoming class!! I have been a teacher for 30 years and now it’s my turn to do the one thing that I love the most and that is my Art!
    Thanks again for all you do.

  181. This would be a wonderful way for me to use all the mixed media supplies i have but haven’t used! I don’t know where to start. So hopefully this would help me to start the journey. I had a stroke in 2011 The Dr encouraged me to scrapbook or make cards to help my vision with tracking back and forth.( I lost vision out of left eye, as well as the outer vision of my right eye.) So I started down that creative road and love it. Mostly I am a card maker I enjoy sending cards to others to lift them up. But I have always wanted to try mixed media. I have paints and lots of other stuff.

  182. I am a subscriber and am so happy to see you on the list of amazing teachers! I am still new to the world of art, art journaling, and mixed media! I continue to doubt myself and questions my work. I would love lessons to help me grow and learn and to accept myself!!

  183. I’ve never considered myself very creative. I remember being creative as a very young child but I didn’t create again until I was in my 40s. Now I’m completely hooked and I like to create several times a week. I would love to win LifeBook so I can explore my creativity and push my limits to see what I’m really capable of! Thanks so much for the incredible opportunity!

  184. Vicky, I have loved watching you on You Tube and really enjoy your style of teaching. I would be thrilled to win a spot on Lifebook 2017 and participate in a year-long class from so many wonderful artists. I can’t even imagine, so cool! Thanks for the opportunity!

  185. Vickey, I love you. You have helped me grow more every day. Thank you. Would love to take part in anything you promote.

  186. I would to win this prize to be able to have the opportunity to learn from the most inspiring artists in this field, thank you for the opportunity. PS I am already subscribed and receive your emails. Thank you.

  187. What an intriguing idea. I’ve taken several card-making online courses, and I’ve watched a lot of art journal youtube videos. But a class to show me techniques and ideas, I am very intrigued. One of my biggest problems with journaling, other than trying to figure out how, is what to do pages on. This would help with both.

    Also, thanks for all the links!! What a great way to find more artists to follow. 🙂

  188. Wow, so pleased for you 🙂 Winning a spot in this class would be amazing for anyone cos not only would they get a wonderful class with you but also the opportunity to experience classes with all the other fabulous teachers…… just fantastic!!!! 🙂

  189. Hi Vicky. I’m new to mixed media and art in general. I recently have rethought my belief carried over from childhood that I’m not creative. I’m excited to learn about different processes, different mediums, different styles so I can find what I really enjoy. I’m also excited to share what I learn and communicate with others in a community; to have fun and lift others up as they help me learn and overcome bumps n the road. And to have a memorable book at the end to document my progress is the icing on the cake.

    Thank you for the opportunity.

  190. I really enjoy all your creative cards and journal pages. I like all the information and tips which you share. I would like to join Life Book because this would be a wonderful adventure and opportunity to learn from some of the best artists.

  191. Hello,
    I just want to say that I have been watching your videos for 2 years and I absolutely love it. Because of you I found art journaling and this life book project sound amazing. It would be great to be able learn from all of you during the whole year and see different approach to art journaling. I would be very happy if I won.

  192. I’m just of 14 and my aim is to be an artist.I would be very happy if I won the spot because you all great teachers will help me to enhance my creativity and reach my aim to be an artist with very good skills. Thanks for giving us this golden opportunity.

  193. Wow! I would love to join this course. So far I have been a self-taught artist and this opportunity will open a whole new world for me. Can’t wait for the classes to start!

  194. Thank you for the chance to win a spot. I have been wanting to join Life Book for years. Maybe now is my chance?

  195. I would love to win a spot…The past 4 years have been the most difficult of my life, and I really need some healing. The classes sound like just what the doctor ordered. Thank you for the chance to win!

  196. I want to do more art but I need guidance and LifeBook would be just the thing ! The artist/teachers all look so amazing and diverse and I know I could learn so much!

  197. I am enjoying my first year of LifeBook in 2016 and would love to be a part of 2017 Lifebook. Please pick me to win a seat for 2017.

  198. Hi Vicky, thanks for giving this opportunity to one of us, i would love to get the place in Lifebook, and learnn more about art journaling,

  199. Hi Vicky!
    I would like to win a place in “Life Book 2017” because this would be the best gift I could ask for next year. Make me dream!

  200. Hi Vicky! I am a big fan of your art and have spent hours watching your youtube channel. I would love to win a spot with you because I would like to learn your process. I think it’s amazing the way you’re able to see scenes in your head and then use stamps and other supplies to create what you see. I would love to learn to feel free enough to do that. I hope you will give me the opportunity to learn. Keeping my fingers crossed. 🙂

  201. What an incredible opportunity to create a year long keepsake; it is a wonderful chance to benefit from all these amazing and gifted artists. Thank you for the information about Life Book.

  202. I would love to join Life Book 2017 because there are so many new teachers who I would love to learn from! I am all signed up for your blog also.

  203. Hi Vicky!

    I really would LOVE to win! I want to grow as an artist and learn as much as I can.

    Being creative is also a great help for me to get my “me time”. I am a single Mom to a son that has multiallergies and Autism. So being artsy and crafty is the time when I take care of myself. My own health has been going downhill so I would love to have something like this to look forward to!!

    LOVE everything you create! 🙂

  204. Hi Vicky! I love your blog and follow your art journal videos obsessively! I think I have watched each one at least five times by now! I am so excited you will be joining Life Book this coming year, and whether or not I win this giveaway I will be there! I am so excited to join this journey so that I can get a better handle on looking “deeper” within myself, and maybe perhaps figuring out what I really and truly want out of life (and maybe how to get it)! I am also so excited to learn about new techniques, share artwork, and learn about new supplies. I am even excited to receive the mantra’s they have promised on the class descriptions! If I haven’t said it enough already, I am SO SO EXCITED to go on this journey with everyone, and I can’t wait for your segment to arrive!!! XOXOXO

  205. I have had a life altering experience this year in leaving my home of 41 years, lifelong friends and disposing of most of my things. I look forward to having a place to creatively deal with the emptiness.

  206. Thanks for the chance to win!!! I think this class would definitely help me focus on doing more, and enjoying more of this hobby – my life is so hectic with 2 kids that even when I can sit down to create, I feel I don’t truly give it enough time, and therefore truly enjoy it. I hope this class can force me to really sit down, create from within, and really enjoy the results!

  207. I love watching your videos where you make art journal pages. But it’s just watching, I don’t have the courage to start doing it. It would be great to learn more techniques and finally start creating 😉

  208. I just found you today and love your style. So many art journalers add way to much to their pages for me. I am just learning this and would love to have a seat in the class to learn all I can from experienced artist. Thnaks for offering this opportunity.

  209. Hi Vicky!
    I too love your blog and follow your art journal videos and card making videos and watch them over and over. I am very excited to hear you will be joining Life Book this coming year, and whether or not I win this giveaway I hope to be there getting my mojo back! This sounds really exciting! Thanks for the chance to win a spot.

  210. Starting next month, I will finally have the time to follow my dream and begin learning mixed media – this will be a great way to begin. I know of most of the teachers and you all are so giving. This is a wonderful chance.

  211. I would love the opportunity to learn different techniques , styles, and how to nurture and develop myself though creative practice. Thank you for the chance 🙂

  212. Hi, Vicki! I think I am already subscribed to you blog emails — I get notifications of new posts and a (weekly?) overview of what I may have missed … I LOVE LOVE LOVE your YouTube videos and was so thrilled to see you n the list of teachers for Lifebook 2017!
    I would love to be part of Lifebook 2017 because I want to learn more about Mixed Media, want to do art on a more regular basis while breaking out of the “ruts” I get into when I do do art, want to be inspired by the wide variety of teachers and their styles and the entire community of participants. Art is not magical or even spiritual in itself but can be calming and transformational — 2 things I need. Many others have probably said the same thing — I want so much to be part of LB2017 but can’t unless I win the seat, yet that is the truth. Life is not always kind but the “practice” of art can help deal with it. Thanks for the opportunity to win a seat!

  213. I have done several art journal pages following along with you on your You Tube videos and learned a lot and had so much fun. I would love to win a place in Life Book.

  214. Hey Vicky, you are one of my favourite teachers, I love watching your you tubes. But seriously lifebook 2017 is rockin’ it with so many amazing teachers. I’m excited to learn from all of you.

  215. I have followed you for a while now (I found you on YouTube) and I’m really excited to see you as part of LifeBook 2017. I want to be part of LifeBook because it helps me step towards the real me.

  216. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the giveaway, why? this is such a great opportunity to learn from the best mixed media artists, mixed media is my favorite kind of art and you guys are the best, is like a dream come true, thanks a million

  217. Vicky
    For a long time now I have thoroughly enjoyed watching you on the youtube channel. It would be such a privilege to be a winner of Life Book 2017 and learn not only from yourself but also the many other teachers also – with so much diversity it would be a thrill to be part of.
    Thank you for the opportunity.

  218. I would LOVE to win a spot! LB 2017 looks extra juicy! There are so many teachers I didn’t know but as soon I visit their website, I’m like: waaauw! I would really love to learn more. 🙂

  219. Wow! I would love to win a spot in Life Book 2017. Art is my therapy. If I’m focused on an art journal page or canvas, I can sometimes forget to feel the pain of Lupus. I can put the feelings of uselessness and guilt on my page and put of my head! Thanks for offering a chance to win.

  220. I live with so much pain everyday that I need a creative distraction to get me through the day. Life Book sounds like an amazing way to work through my pain and have something incredible to show for it. Please pick me, I would be so grateful. Thank you.

  221. Hi, Vicki 🙂 I’m super excited that you will be teaching in Lifebook 2017! I love your work, and it would be great to win a spot in Lifebook. It is an awesome opportunity to learn from so many artists!

  222. One thing about this Life Book challenge for 2017 is the opportunity to see what others are doing and to learn from them. I love the fall card you made and appreciate the details you showed in the video. Now that I know about you, I will look for your other videos as well. I like card making and have always felt they are little masterpieces of art too be enjoyed, a gift in and of themselves. Of course, I have all the of making them! Hope I win!

  223. Hi Vicky, I would feel honored to be able to take part in this course. This course would give me some direction in my life. I am in a place where I am meeting crossroads and roadblocks, doorways and a black abyss . This opportunity would help me on my journey of self-discovery. Thank you for offering this chance to one lucky person.

  224. I would love to win a spot on LifeBook so that I can for once finish a book! I have a ton of half filled books and I think with committing to lifebook I could have one whole book to be so very proud of!

  225. This is so exciting! The opportunity to be guided by so many talented people would be a once in a life time chance to have the best kind of fun. I would love to participate.

  226. I have been so blessed by your videos and have completed nearly every artwork you have posted into my own journals. I am now on journal number three and have finally begun to stretch myself and experiment on my own. Your videos are such a blessing to so many people that have found a sense of joy and comfort. I would love to be a part of the Life Book group. Thank you for your willingness to share your talents with the world.

  227. Hi Vicky! Art-journaling is a dealy treat to yourself but art-journaling with other people is world opening. It is so great that all of you, teachers, let us take part to your creative world through Life Book.

  228. Hello Vicky!
    I would feel honored to be able to take part in this course.
    I hope I have luck this time!!!

  229. This sounds like an amazing class! I would love to be part of it and learn from fantastic artists such as yourself. I am already subscribed to your blog. Thanks!

  230. Hi Vicky! I’m am a fan of your art in all it’s forms. You have a fantastic gift for creating beautiful things! After becoming disabled and homebound, I discovered crafting in various forms. One craft I’d love to learn more about is Art Journaling. This would be a fabulous way to learn in my own space. Thanks for the chance to win! xx

  231. Hi Vicky, Love your work! I love to study and explore mixed media art and I would love to be part of the Life Book 2017 community. Thanks for the opportunity!

  232. Vicky, Congrats on being a Lifebook teacher! Yay!
    I love your style and have watched you for awhile, I would love to win a seat in your class!!
    Thank you, Jackie

  233. Would love a chance to join the LB2017 class with so many amazing artists and teachers. Thanks for the opportunity. Fingers crossed!!

  234. I’m hoping to win a spot so i can learn more about myself through the life book journey. I’m not spiritually in a good place right now and want to show myself how to get back there.

  235. I would love to win a spot. I am really hoping to grow as an artist and need help getting my thoughts and ideas onto the paper. Thank you for offering this chance to win a spot!

  236. I am so excited that you are teaching in LifeBook 2017. I have been watching your You Tube videos for a long time and love your style of journaling and your card ideas.
    Life Book 2016 is the first class I have taken online and I am learning so much from the artists. The techniques I have used from these teachers have improved my art so much.
    Being semi retired, it would be wonderful to win a spot this year. Thank you for the opportunity… excited!!!

  237. I have been wanting to do Lifebook for years but have never signed up. I am hoping that 2017 will be All about Eeva 🙂

  238. Hi Vicky, and thank you for this offering. I have started a unique business that combines soul art work (most art journaling) with some other workshops with animals. Your work with quotes and art journaling along with tThe Life Book 2017 project fits my life’s purpose and mission and I feel that I would gain a tremendous amount of knowledge that I could pass on to my tribe. Thanks again! As always, I look forward to seeing you create yet another masterpiece.

  239. What an amazing line up of artists!! I would LOVE to win a spot in Life Book 2017 and learn from YOU!! Thank you.

  240. I would love to be a part of Lifebook because I need the inspiration to get me going on my projects.

  241. Hi Vicky, I would love to win a spot in LB2017. What an opportunity to learn from such talented artists as I search for my own inner muse.

  242. Life is getting stressful with a lot of unknowns at this moment. I need something to look forward to next year, to keep me going.

  243. I enjoy art journaling and mixed media and would love to win a spot in LB2017. The opportunity to learn from the various artists would be a dream come true for me. I’m hoping and praying that I win this year. 🙂

  244. I have recently started art journaling of last few months, mostly learning by following you tube and one of the most inspiring channels is yours. Really love the way you explain your techniques. I think Life Book 2017 will be a lovely opportunity for me to learn some great techniques from a wonderful line up of artists and it would be great to win this spot. Thank you for the opportunity and thank you for sharing your creativity with all of us!

  245. Thank you for the opportunity to win a spot! I’m keen to do Life Book 2017 to continue my journey of artful self discovery that I started back in 2014 when I found Mandala Magic by Julie Gibbons! Art has given me so much joy, but I’m still a beginner and the opportunity to learn more is always fabulous!

  246. Hey Vicki! I have been watching your u-tube channel for a long time. I have watched you grow your filming skills to help all of us grow our confidences in creating 🙂 Thank you! Now a chance to be part of the Life Book 2016 team…Outstanding. I would love to follow along and be part of the group 🙂 thanks for the chance at the give away. Happy Creating Joy 🙂

  247. This would be an incredible opportunity to learn all about mixed media and the art itself. I am a huge fan of mixed media but know so little of the fundamentals. Thanks for the chance!

  248. Hi Vicky,
    I would love to be considered to win a place on LifeBook 2017
    My children are all now adults and one has just left for Uni and another goes next Sept 2017 so I would love to do something to keep my mind active and to deal with empty nest syndrome!
    I’ve followed your YouTube channel for a while and love your style

    Thank you and good luck with your class

  249. I have had some family/medical issues lately and the opportunity to participate in the Lifebook 2017 class will give me the ability to escape from the everyday stuff, but to also document what is happening in a more creative, positive manner. What an amazing idea? I am so not an artist so this would also be out of my comfort zone which is one of my new years resolutions. To do something I would never do!!! Thanks for the opportunity.

  250. I would like to win a spot in this class because I’m always inspired by all the wonderful videos that everyone publishes and I have bought some supplies to get started, but I can never break the blank page. Everything remains unused.

  251. Hi vicky, I would like to get this opportunity because I want to have a carrer in art. Therfore, this opportunity would allow me to learn new styles and techniques and would help me use them in my future. And your art work Vicky always inspires me.

  252. Thank you for the chance to win a spot! I’m so excited to try Lifebook. The list of instructors is absolutely amazing!

  253. Learning so many diverse and wonderful art techniques from so many wonderful artists is just one reason why I would love to win a spot in Life Book 2017 🙂

  254. My life is entering a new phase and I could do with some healing so this looks like a wonderful opportunity 🙂 I so enjoy your videos and discovering other teachers would be marvellous xx

  255. Last year, I joined LB as a way of occupying myself as I wasn’t able to work (due to fysical difficulties). Never could I have dreamed of what that would bring me. I grew so much, both as a person and as an artist, that I am still a bit in disbelief. But I would love to have the opportunity to work another year with all those incredable teachers, to keep myself growing and develop my skills, as I still am much of a beginner. Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot, looking forward to your lesson.

  256. Hi, I´m a swedish woman who just found this new world a few months ago. Since I´m disabled (not working) I have a lot of time to watch videos of you and a bunch of other card makers/art journal pros on youtube. I just finished a 1 year-course in Graceful living this year and that is all about loving yourself, mankind, nature, all living creatures and trying to change the world a little bit at a time. Being eco-friendly, consume less, respecting the natures wonderful design and incorporating that into all designs. This course but be a fantastic way to continue down that path.

  257. I would love to win this because I recently got back into art. I am a VERY busy mama and art is my time for ME! I could use some new techniques and need to learn more though, so I could really benefit from this Lifebook!

  258. I would love to learn all the different techniques you all have to teach! I would love to grow as an artist. I’ve always loved mixed media. This is an amazing opportunity, and thank you for this giveaway.

  259. I have never tried my hand at an art journal or at journaling in general, but I did develop a greater interest in mixed media this past year. In addition, the past few years have been rather hectic with health issues for my husband and me, so I’m hoping there will be room for more quiet ‘me’ time next year. I’m thinking this Life Book class may just be what I need to help me focus on myself, art and thangs that really matter to me. Thanks for the chance to win a spot.
    Marianne x

  260. Vicky, I’ve longed to take a live class with you, but that’s not gonna happen since you live in Greece and I live in Mexico! I’ve been interested in Life Book for a couple of years. When I saw that you were teaching next year, I was bound and determined to sign up – one way or another. I’d find the money and make the time – somehow. Guess what? I won a spot through this blog hop! I’m absolutely thrilled! I look forward to your class as well as those of some of my other favorites artists.

  261. This looks like fun! I love to get messy. The style is right up my alley, fun, bright and happy.

  262. I did a LifeBook a couple of years ago and would love to do it again.
    I love your work and inspiration and LifeBook provides an opportunity to try many styles of work.
    Thanks for a chance!!

  263. I have been following your art journaling youtube videos for quite awhile now. I have made my version of the “Books & Coffee” and several other layouts. When I am stuck for ideas I go to your videos for inspiration. I’m very excited about joining the Life Book 2017. I’m hoping to make 2017 a creative year!

  264. I love your art journaling and have learnt a lot from your youtubes. Will love to win a spot in the class.

  265. This looks fantastic! To learn to be kinder and loving towards myself is something I’ve been learning to do ( in baby steps) this year as a result of a life changing event. But to learn to use my artwork through this fabulous group of ladies would be a dream! Thank you so much for the chance to be a part of this year long process!!!

  266. Hi Vicky, I am no where near the artist you are, but this past year I turned to art for many therapeutic reasons. One being my son has been in and out of the hospital, and art is my way to just relax and take my mind off of worry. I watch your videos, and I have learned so much from you already. The possibility of learning even more is so exciting! Thank You for this possible opportunity.

  267. I dream of paper and paint and ink,
    Though my Art journal pages sometimes stink,
    It’s about the process of healing and learning for me,
    So if I win, I’ll shout “Yippeeeee!!!!”

  268. I am not artistic in any way but I watch You Tube videos on mixed media and art journaling, I love watching the talented people create beautiful pages. I took the plunge once and created a TP mini book shown on You Tube and was quite surprised how well it turned out, but I have not finished, I do not know where to start on the embellishing, too worried that I will mess it up. Over the months I have bought many crafting tools and supplies, been to thrift stores collecting trinkets, lace, beads, paper and such. I lack the confidence and knowledge, but hopefully with the opportunity to win a place on Life Book 2017 would give me the incentive to start a new journey.
    Thank you for giving everyone the opportunity to win this great prize

  269. I was always interested in small arts, tried to do many things like glass painting, decoupage, beading, crochet, and od course scrapbboking right now 🙂 I am following your great projects, would like to be as good.. Would be really a good chance for me.

  270. Vicky,
    I’d love to win a spot in this wonderfull initiative. I would like to learn more about mixed media so I can use the techniques in my art journal that I’ve just started.

  271. I would love to learn how to do art journaling but I don’t have a clue where to begin. :0
    It looks like so much fun and your work is beautiful. I scrapbook but I would like to try/do mixed media as there are even more techniques to learn and do. Thank you for the chance to enter.

  272. I’ve always loved mixed media and learning new techniques. My life has changed drastically in the last 5 years with retirement, moving away from my home to care for aging parents, losing my partner last year, and trying to start a new business. 2017 is a year to celebrate and honor myself!

  273. Hi Vicky ! We met last year in Barcelona for your art journaling teaching. Since there I’ve developped my art journaling. I would like to be the lucky winner because it could be for me another new experience, enjoying, fun and of course amazing.
    I hope to have this big, big present. Many thanks !

  274. Thank you for this opportunity. I think joining Life Book will greatly expose me to more creative options. While I am familiar with some of the participating artists, there are some I do not know which will of course provide me with new techniques thus broadening my creativity. Thanks again for a chance to win.

  275. Winning Life Book would be amazing! Learning new art techniques is my passion. Thanks

  276. I’ve tried art journaling on my own and I end up judging my work instead of enjoying the experience and the journey. I think if I had more mentoring I might be able to jump that hurdle that stops me from creating and letting go. Thanks for the chance. I already subscribe to your blog?

  277. I’ve been following your inspirational youtube channel for a long time now and it’s encouraged me to start my own mixed media adventures, whenever I get the chance. Im a stay at home mother with two little boys. Since I gave up my full time job as a graphic designer, to care for them, I feel I don’t think about my own needs anymore. Naturally my children’s needs come first, so my opportunities for being creative and to spend time on what I love doing has dwindled. I would love to have a project I can dedicate some time to, that I can call my own. A chance to record my personal thoughts, feelings and life experiences before I disappear into years of nappies and playgrounds! Before they fly the nest and I’ve forgotten who I am and what makes me tick.

  278. I would love to win a spot!! I just started getting into Art Journaling, but still need a lot of guidance from amazing teachers!!!!

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