Today I am back with a round shaker card, featuring an adorable stamp set by Lawn Fawn.

I always like to add a card inside my Christmas gifts and this is perfect for that!


I used my prismacolor pecils today to color everything and make sure to check down below in the supply list for a great deal on those! Can you see the texture on the reindeer? Love the effect and that was achieved just by pencils, no gamsol or any other medium to blend. Just my pencils!


I kelp my color palette into traditional Christmas colors and the gold and silver sequin mix on my window was the perfect touch.

You can enjoy the video below or at my YouTube channel


There is a great deal on the Prismacolor sets over at Amazon, I have added the link below. If I am not mistaken, I think I got mine for over $100 …. the price below is A M A Z I N G !


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