steampunk owl

Hi! Today I am back with a steampunk owl mixed media canvas focusing on the dry brushing technique! I used the Sir Vagabond OWL Grayboard ( SSS | JGG | CRF ), designed by Antonis Tzanidakis for Stamperia.  You can see in the video a full tutorial on all the steps on how I put together the die cut pieces, how I added color and lots of tips and techniques! If you want more inspiration using this collection click HERE or check the unboxing HERE.

steampunk owl video tutorial

You can enjoy the video below or at my YouTube channel

close-up photos

Here are some close up photos on my steampunk owl mixed media canvas.

Isn’t she just gorgeous?! The grayboard after coloring and drybrushing gives the illusion on wood!

It was really hard to catch on the photo but the part with the mechanical parts and the gears has a shine since I used metalique paints to complete the look.

The dimention is amazing and dry brushing is really the star technique in this tutorial.

For the background I used Rice Paper – Train Mechanism( JGG ) and did some stenciling and splatters.

The quote is a combination of die cut letters and print out phrases. I did make a fun technique on the black strips to make them look as they have nails on each side. Cehck the video to find out!

All these parts are included in the OWL Grayboard ( SSS | JGG | CRF ) that comes with more than 50 pieces to play with!

I am so happy with the result of my mixed media canvas and this goes up on my wall, to decorate my craft room!


Below you can find a list of all the products used today. Links to multiple online shops are available, just click the logo below each item. Affiliate links used where possible at no extra cost to you.

OWL Grayboard
[ SSS | JGG | CRF ]
Rice Paper – Train Mechanism
[ JGG ]
WINGS Stencil
[ SSS ]
Simon Says Stamp CRAFT TACKY GLUE…
[ SSS ]
Shading brush
[ STM ]
162 Vivace Ml 60 – Antique Ivory Shop…
[ STM ]
235 Vivace Paint 60 ml Gold Shop by…
[ STM ]
232 Vivace Ml 60 – Bronze Shop by…
[ STM ]
230 Vivace Paint 60 ml Silver Shop by…
[ STM ]
Tonic Studios – Tim Holtz – Non-Stick…
[ SBC | SSS ]
Spellbinders – Tool N One – Rose Gold
[ SBC | SSS ]
[ SSS ]
Tonic Studios – Tim Holtz – Glass…
[ SBC | SSS ]


  1. This project is really unusual and organic. I love all the details. Watching your process in the video is really helpful. It would be great if you included the “real time” (allowing for drying, layout, etc) at the end.

  2. Love it! You really think out of the box ! This is a great tutorial and gave me some ideas!
    Thank you Vicky ❤️

  3. Amazing! I love all the detail you put on the owl, gears and all. From all the videos I’ve watched, you have never disappointed me. Thank and keep them coming.

  4. Your Steampunk Owl is absolutely gorgeous! As owls are my favorite, I was immediately drawn to your project and then sat mesmerized by your video! This is a must-try project for me! Thanks for inspiring me.

  5. Ohhh my Vicky this is absolute breathtaking!
    The owl is stunning and I can imagen you put this on your craftroom wall, it’s worth to be admired. I think I would constantly looking at it when it was hanging on my wall.
    Awesome to see how the dimensions come to life with the dry brush technique.
    Thank you so much for sharing this stunning piece of art and showing how you made it.
    Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.

  6. I’m not big into steam punk, but I absolutely LOVE this adorable and creative owl! WOW! And that quote is PERFECT with her!! I’ve not heard that saying before, but it’s so true for me. Thank you very much for talking about and demonstrating the dry brush technique. I’ve tried it a few times and although I like it there seemed to be something not quite right with it and I couldn’t understand what. Very dry brush (check), using small amounts of paint (check), and thick acrylic paint (missed that part and it makes a difference!!). And you even used rice paper!!!!! I’ve been curious about it and what to do with it since Stamperia has some gorgeous rice papers. What a fun project and I appreciate you sharing it. Thank you so much, Vicky! Have a safe and great weekend and may you enjoy your new craft room buddy!!!

  7. Vicky, you have the most wonderful imagination! I love how you look at things and come up with something different and beautiful each time. Thank you again for your inspiration!

  8. Vicky, I was looking forward to seeing your creations from Stamperia’s Vagabond line. This is stunning, I LOVE IT? Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. I love watching you trying to decide where things go. I some times have so much trouble
    deciding where I want to put things also1 The owl is wonderful I love steampunk but don’t do as much as I want to.

  10. Although I love all of your work, I must say that this is probably one of my favorites (I probably say this all the time….LOL) It is beyond beautiful. Wish it were hanging in my craft room!

  11. Greetings Vicky: Very Lovely, such a great project! Just viewing you at work is a wonder, such creativity!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful and inspiring work!!! Denise

  12. WOW! this is AMAZING! It was fascinating to watch this project come together. So imaginative! I was surprised how the stenciled words were so white, but the spray gave them a great shadow and dimension that blended into the rice paper background. Great technique! Thanks for the fun video!

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